View Full Version : Trying to watch 24hours in A&E..trying

06-01-13, 21:55
Normally panic a little bit watching hospital programmes but i thought this is the year im gonna get better with my anxiety.

Heres the problem... a girl collapsed after a spinning class and now her kidneys seem to be failing and she's quite poorly... so why am i panicking about going to the gym tomorrow!

I'm healthy and eat well and just because i've seen how ill this girl has become im starting to think tomorrow something is going to go wrong.

Im mad! I know it wont happen and this girl may have had kidney problems before. does anyone else get all worked up when they watch these kind of programmes.

Hoping this exposure therapy will work.

06-01-13, 21:57
I can't watch anything like that! I don't watch Casualty or Holby and I don't really have HA more GAD.

06-01-13, 22:04
As an emetophobe I have to have my fingers at the ready in case anyone's sick,,I look away too. At least my partner understands why. I love all the medical program's, I'd rather understand about conditions, tho I do get scared watching sometimes. 24hrs in A&E was A very good program. Some of the staff are just amazing. The rest just brilliant. I wish I could stomach all the goo as I wanted to b a nurse. Fat lot of good I'd be running away any time I though someone was going to do you know what

06-01-13, 22:06
I am a first aider at work and can deal with anything when I have to but can't watch it on TV, I don't know why.

06-01-13, 22:10
I am a first aider at work and can deal with anything when I have to but can't watch it on TV, I don't know why.

I couldn't b a 1st aider. A colleague tried to get me to go on a course, it was like noooooo way.

06-01-13, 22:13
It is usually just teenagers getting annoyed and putting their hands through windows or getting in a fight or a few sports injuries.

06-01-13, 22:19
I'm a nurse and I still get anxious watching these tv shows. I saw that episode too and it is worrying, but what she experienced was very rare. I know that doesn't help how you or I think. :hugs:

macc noodle
06-01-13, 22:28
Yes I watched this episode as one of my "homeworks" from my therapist when I was undergoing CBT last year !! It was quite distressing but the fact is that she had an underlying problem which was totally unconnected with going to a spinning class.

At the time I was suffering crushing health anxiety which was ruining all elements of my life - I am not cured - just a lot more manageable now!!

Part of my therapy was to watch these awful programmes - don;t think it did me any good !! to be honest

Also, I had to undergo a load of general tests I had been putting off for years - smear, mammogram, eye test etc etc - all came back fine

Had to sit in A&E with my therapist !! not funny I can tell you.

But in the end some of it must have done something to my mindset but I tell you now I still cannot bear to watch Holby or Casualty!

Some things never change :D

06-01-13, 22:54
I am very squeamish so they are no go areas for me.

07-01-13, 00:16
I cannot watch anything like that on TV and I don't have health anxiety, I just can't watch anything that might be distressing in any way, I don't even like some of those adverts they put on, you know the charity ones, I find myself nearly in tears, just can't handle it at all.

I very rarely watch TV now, I much prefer listening to music, at the moment I'm bopping away to the 70's........oh bring back my teenage years please!!!........I was a good mover back then ya know :roflmao: