View Full Version : Hhheeeeellllllllpppp

06-01-13, 22:08
Im 21 I seem to be normal for a few days and then I go ill so to speak again I have like a rush go through me and I feel like im going to collapse and die now I was ok for a little while I git rsther drunk on friday felt great untill next day n I still feel like im going to die now and it was like 2 days ago I ad a drink today I thaught about well I got bitten by a dog and got put on tablets I started thinkin wat if I have a baad reaction to these and die I have been in bed for 2 days now I keep wantin to go hospital to get checked over to mske sure thay havnt made a mistake Anxiety and attacks they said im not so sure does any one else feel like tis also I have stopped smoking And findin it hard to breath and feels like my heart is going to stop please help as evrytime I post on here no one replies thanks for reading

06-01-13, 22:43
Obviously if you are worried you need to go to see your doctor and tell them your concerns so they can check you over and put your mind at rest. If you think you are having a reaction to some tablets then you do need to see someone about it.

Anxiety can truely make you feel awful, and when you are in a high state of anxiety or having a panic attack then yes, the symptoms do make you feel like you are going to drop dead on the spot, but you won't!

Unfortunatly alcohol does amplify the anxiety and its symptoms. Not always when you are drunk, you will often feel great then, cause let's face it, you are drunk! And that generally means you are probably with friends having a good time and your mind is away from the anxiety, but the day after the symptoms can often feel ten times worse.

06-01-13, 22:48
Mike hang in there. What do you mean by now I feel like I am going to die?

I went to the hospital a few times, always the ECG was OK and I was fine. I take two 81mg aspirins when I feel the stress starting to build up. I know it may not really do anything but in helps to push my mind to ease. At 21 you should have any issues at that young age that need the 81mg aspirin.

I had someone that helped me in the family. She would say you know if you go to the hospital again they will not find anything. So I would just wait for it to pass, trying to focus on TV or a book until this went away.

I had a kidney stone two years ago. I knew I had to go to the hospital then. The pain was so bad I was down on the floor on my knees banging on the floor. Your will be in much worst pain if there was a real problem.

Besides this site, I find it helps to have other you can talk with that you can be open with.

I wish there was a support group in my area. But there is none.

Anxious lu
07-01-13, 01:38
I get rushes through my body which I think is adrenaline but it feels soo horrible. Also after alcohol it's worse and I get breathless.. New years day was so bad I got pins and needles in both hands badly..

Could be anxoety worsens when your hingover

07-01-13, 05:18
I take two 81mg aspirins when I feel the stress starting to build up. I know it may not really do anything but in helps to push my mind to ease. At 21 you should have any issues at that young age that need the 81mg aspirin.

Hi not sure if your doctor has told you to take the aspirin. If so fine but just a word of warning. I have health anxiety about having a heart attack and knew that if you are having a heart attack to take an aspirin to thin the blood. Well every time I was getting chest pains I was convincing myself it was a heart attack and popping a couple of aspirins. What I know now was this developed into a safety mechanism and has actually done more harm than good. I felt relief after taking them and the pains often went away (as they would with a pain killer) but sub consciously I started to believe that I needed the aspirin and that I must have been on the verge of a heart attack and they thinned my blood enough to avoid it. This just reinforces the thoughts something is wrong with you. I don't take aspirin at all now but do still carry some on me at all times just in case though I'm slowly stopping taking them say on a walk with the dogs and eventually ill stop carrying them totally. Don't feel I can do this yet as it still lurks in my mind I need one if a heart attack comes on.

Just a word of warning as I say from my own experience.

07-01-13, 09:02
Hi mike. So sorry your feeling like this.

Hmmm my story to long but under col on my stats if u like or want to read?

Anyway, ive been suffering now for 2 years this feb and i can honestly say these are exactly the same sensations i used to have. Id get disorienated, then an overwhelming sense of collapse not fainting - collapse then my heart rate i could feel it pounding away and the breathing thing eventually crept in & other than doing school run i basically gave up me prosepctive career as a teacher and became almost - a recluse because these symptoms got worse and every time i ventured out bam - there id go again, baring in mind i have never had anything like panic issues before in my life and i was 29 when this started.

Go docs and read all the advice on nmp and tips from others like sleeping and eating better , exercise will help you in time .

Good luck

08-01-13, 04:34
Thanks all for your help I m greatfull the doctor wont give me any medication they say they dont want to as of my age also I did find exercise usefull but right now I cant seen to go out and get to the gym im scared of dyin I think im going to collapse and die wen I go out and sometimes wen im at home I guess it safe to say I feel like sh#T!!! AND ITS RUINING my life ! I want to go gym and get fit but I rarly go with a friend or on my own as if I have a funny turn I get really afraid