View Full Version : Sleep paralysis

06-01-13, 22:34
Has this ever happened to anyone? I think its happened to me twice and its terrifying. I know rationally that its been because I've been really tired but then my anxiety keeps telling me its a sign of something more serious.

First time about 6-8 months ago I'd been up and down with my son from 1am til 5am and I'd finally got him settled in my bed. I was laid on my side facing him drifiting to sleep when I suddenly felt really frightened and it felt like someone was behind me pushing my head and upper body really hard. I could not move and I was convinced I was holding my son close to me and he couldn't breathe but I couldn't move my arms to let him go. I screamed but no sound came out. When I came out of it my son was laid fine on his side of the bed and it was the duvet I was hugging close to my body to stop him pulling it on his face. I felt really anxious and scared of sleeping afterwards.

Second episode was wednesday night. I got a bad headache, nausea and really painful neck when I got into bed and although I was tired I couldn't sleep for it. When I finally started to go to sleep I felt the same feeling of terror and like someone was in the room. I was laid on my side and it felt like someone was grabbing me round the middle and twisting the top part of my body to make me turn round. I kind of knew what was happening this time as I don't think I was quite as asleep as the previous episode but was scary none the less.

Anyone who has experienced this, does it sound like sleep paralysis?

06-01-13, 22:55
I get this a lot and have done for as long as I can remember. Its always as im falling asleep and it always something bad is about to happen to me. I feel like I am awake and I am shouting for my husband but nothing is coming out. I always jolt from these very scared. I have got used to them now and I didn't really know what they were until I started in this site. :hugs:

06-01-13, 23:05
I used to get this a lot and it's terrifying. I would wake up and not be able to move and try to talk but nothing would come out. I don't know what causes it, I haven't had it in a long time but it probably passes a lot more quickly than it feels like at the time!