View Full Version : Another manifestation or possibly temporal lobe/brain issue going on?

06-01-13, 22:45
I hate to come on here and post symptoms because I know this is not what the site is for. I also know seeking constant reassurance doesn't get you anywhere in the long term. However I feel unless I do this, I may have to do the inevitable and go to the doctor. I've posted about my dejavu before. I'm getting it quite a bit. Sudden and intense, other times it's subtle and hardly existent. I also get very random flashbacks of memories of rather insignificant things that happened years ago. This seems worse when i'm tired or not being distracted. I googled deja vu which has put the fear of god into me as there is a lot about temporal lobe epilepsy and not much 'anxiety related' which is what I wanted to see. Temporal lobe epilepsy is of course a symptom of something, and we all know what the anxious person is thinking now.... Now i'm thinking about the deja vu all the time and it seems to be happening more and more (coincidence?) Perhaps another symptom worth mentioning is that i'm having dreamlike states a lot (where my eyes completely relax and go out of focus) I'm trying to be rational but I have always feared brain tumours having had many people close to me in both my family and circle of friends that have been touched by them. As a teacher i'm back in work tomorrow and i'm sure the distraction will be a blessing, although i'm not sure if i'll be able to brush it off this time. Argh. :( Worried & afraid but would welcome anyone's comments or experiences with anything similar? xx

06-01-13, 23:14
I used to get deja vu quite regularly, but usually only for a day at a time. I put it down to waking from deep sleep or REM sleep, or just sleep deprivation. The bottom line is I've always seen it in myself as caused by sleep in some way.

That said, I do have hydrocephalus, which I've had since birth and many people with hydro have epilepsy. It's not something I've ever been diagnosed with, and my deja vu, as I said doesn't stay long.

Coincidentally I'm now taking an anti-epileptic that is licenced for GAD (Pregabalin).

By the way, are you on any medication that could be causing this?

06-01-13, 23:21
No meds. My sleep is often disturbed with visual hallucinations, these have been happening since the birth of my first child, 4 years ago so they do not worry me too much but perhaps there is a sleep connection? It's the increase in dejavu that is. I have a very active imagination which doesn't help!