View Full Version : Pretty sure I have diabetis type 2

07-01-13, 09:33
I'm 111 kgs and six foot so I'm unift and overweight borderline obese. Anyway for the last maybe month I have been felling sort of sick like I just felt sick like I wasn't well. Anyway since about 15 days ago everyday I have felt really unwell. Fatigue, a lot of thirst that I just can't quench. And just sort of darn right bad. I suffer anxiety and I'm scared of loosing my eyesight. My eyes have been playing up a little but I do look at my iPhone a lot through the day and dim rooms so that might be the reason it's currently summer in Australia as well. I just don't know what to do.

07-01-13, 13:40
First of all get it diagnosed by doctor. And if you are diabetic go for exercise daily. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily and try to eat something after every couple of hours.

07-01-13, 14:19
I'm 111 kgs and six foot so I'm unift and overweight borderline obese. Anyway for the last maybe month I have been felling sort of sick like I just felt sick like I wasn't well. Anyway since about 15 days ago everyday I have felt really unwell. Fatigue, a lot of thirst that I just can't quench. And just sort of darn right bad. I suffer anxiety and I'm scared of loosing my eyesight. My eyes have been playing up a little but I do look at my iPhone a lot through the day and dim rooms so that might be the reason it's currently summer in Australia as well. I just don't know what to do.
your proberly coming down with something. or do you feel realy stressd because somtimes when im realy,realy stressd my eyesight plays up. x

08-01-13, 01:31
Hi :)

If you don't mind me asking, how old are you please??

The reason I'm asking this is because Diabetes 1 normally starts in childhood and Diabetes 2 normally starts with older adults :)

I was 44 when I was diagnosed with Diabetes 2 and my partner was well into his 50's.

The thirst I had would not go no matter how much I drank, I was even waking up in the night every hour or so because I had to drink. I was also passing huge amounts of urine. Then I awoke one morning and I couldn't see properly, my eyes were completely blurry, it was then that I went to my doctor and was diagnosed very quickly.

Diabetes, either one, very, very rarely causes blindness now, we now have eye screening done every year and this picks up any problems, the condition is very easily put right with the eyes, so like I said, it would be a very rare thing indeed for a diabetic to loose their sight :)

As soon as I was put on my treatment, my eyes completely cleared up and my eyes are now perfect with no problems at all :) That symptom will go once the treatment is started, it is not life long damage :)

Diabetes is nothing to be frightened of. Once we're medicated, on a good diet and exercising, life is completely normal, I never even really think about it until I have to go and have my 6 monthly check up :)

I would say it's well worth you going to see your doctor as you're already worried about it, it's diagnosed with a simple blood test so I would go have a chat with your doctor and see what they say, but don't let it frighten you any more, it's nothing that dreadful :) :hugs: