View Full Version : Bruised roof of mouth?

07-01-13, 09:45
Right at the back of the roof of my mouth it hurts.. It feels like a bruise I guess, I don't know quite how to explain it but it feels like I stabbed it with something. I can't remember doing it.

I looked in my mouth with my phone camera and there is a dark red line and when I touch it it hurts.

I have just bruised myself, right?

It doesn't mean mouth cancer, no? :blush:

07-01-13, 09:57
I did this with my toothbrush the other day. Didn't realise it at the time, but once I stopped thinking mouth cancer, I realised I had slipped with my toothbrush.

07-01-13, 13:36
its quite easy to damage the skin inside your mouth & throat. it would only take a tiny scratch really. you say its painful, well as far as i know that's a good thing (in so much that usually mouth cancer is painless - BUT of cousre i am NOT an expert in these matters - i'm just going by the positive information i retain that stops me obsessing over such matters). i believe you'll be ok soon. usually its bread, crisps or things like that which do it to me & its only a day or so later i realise what ive done.

07-01-13, 13:51
I regullary damage the inside of my mouth as I do not chew my food enough. Normally something pointy stabs me and I end up with a blood blister, followed by a sore patch for 2-3 days.