View Full Version : Stubborn Cold (and house mould problems)

07-01-13, 10:09
I have had a really bad cold for weeks, well i have had a constant block nose which is worse at night and affects my sleep because i cant breathe properly.. but mainly its one nostril blocked. But i always have a lot of muscus and just feel so clocked and tired and splitting headaches. I have just felt like crap for so long, and i am pregnant which doesnt help, i was practically encouraged to have the flu jab because of been pregnant but it hasnt helped my cold none, i was just wondering if anyone else has had a cold recently and its just took sooo long to shift? I feel like im dying, constanly groggy. Also we have severe mould in the house which smells so much and its because of all the damp rain etc, we are moving house in a couple of weeks but breathing in this surely isnt any good, noone seems to care about the mould, but its just the fact i havn't felt well for ages,

As my recent posts show.. i have a obsession with my breathing so this is driving me so mad and i am constantly scared because i cant breathe properly because of been so clogged up. :( x

07-01-13, 13:40
Drink plenty of fluids to break up your congestion. Drinking water or juice will prevent dehydration and keep your throat moist. You should drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. Include fluids such as water, sports drinks, herbal teas, fruit drinks, or ginger ale. Avoid cola, coffee, and other drinks with caffeine because it may dehydrate you. Consumption of half teaspoonful of poppy seeds helps asthma and cough.