View Full Version : Wedding jitters & GAD..soo not a good combination!

07-01-13, 10:58
Hey all,
I'm getting married in May and with little more than about 130 days I'm feeling frankly..well..nervous! I get a few good days where I'm uber excited and so can't wait, then I get REALLY bad days where I question everything. From whether I like the flowers, whether I'm ready..even whether I love my fiancé :-( The thing is..yes I do love him, it's just that because of my anxiety I think I question it. When we do things together we're always laughing and joking and romancing. He's the only man I have ever felt safe and understood with, but my anxiety has caused some seriously awful feelings with the wedding.

I was also put on the Mini-Pill (Cerazette) back in February last year and I don't think it's done much to help my health, mentally. My acne got much worse which of course has killed my confidence. I also started getting violent mood swings in which I felt as though I was just going to hop up off the couch, grab a sharp knife and brutally attack my partner. The only saving grace I have is that I know I'm the kind of person who has no desire to do these things and if I did heaven forbid one day pick up a knife, I'd probably end up in floods of tears and be more of a risk to myself than I would to anyone else, I know it is just the anxiety making me feel this way. Sad and frightening as they are though, I think they're a major contributor to my wedding nerves because I worry about spending "forever" with someone I might be a risk to.

I digress, my fiancé wanted to get married, I wanted to be with him but I'm not a weddings girl. I don't believe in happy ever after, I think you find the right partner who with which you can share the good times and turn to when it's not so good, it doesn't mean your happy, it just means you know you have someone who understands you, no matter what (sorry to be so pessimistic!). Anyway, when we got engaged I agreed to the wedding. At that time getting married didn't cross my mind at all. I didn't think about the wedding one bit, I saw Matt, the man I love, asking me to spend the rest of my life with him. Of course I was all too happy to accept and it didn't dawn on me until about 8 months ago that I was getting married. Everyone is excited about the wedding, I'm not.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I'm anti-marriage. All the things marriage brings are great, the life-long partner, a family, sharing a name. That all seriously appeals to me. I'm just not an events person, though. Part of my anxiety comes down to social anxiety as well as general. I get myself seriously hyped up in a number of situations which later turn out to be absolutely fine if I wasn't trembling like a leaf on a windy day. I'm stupidly scared that I'm going to bottle it on my wedding day. The car will pull up outside the venue and I'm just going to go "Sorry, can't do it" or I'll walk down the aisle to the man I love then when they ask me if I take him to be my husband I'll just get an urge to say no. This is how my anxiety effects me! I also worry about dancing at our reception and whether I'll cling to Matt like a limpet. I get so wound up about what might happen that I now feel like cancelling the damn thing :-(

I also feel quite unsupported with my wedding, I have my parents, my future father-in-law, a chief bridesman, a best man, 3 bridesmaisd, 3 ushers and a page boy. Of those you'd think a majority (minus the page boy) would be on hand to help us? As yet my parents, chief bridesman and best man and one of the bridesmaids are the only people who've really helped. Even my husband-to-be is keen to get married but has done nothing to book transport or arrange photography. It's a difficult time for him right now as he lost his Nan at the end of December, but I'm now worried whether we'll have transport and that's really not helping me feel more confident!

Sorry this is long folks but this is my story and I just had to vent. I've tried finding posts about wedding jitters but of the 2-3 I've found about anxiety and wedding jitters it seems for a lot of people anxiety makes it 10x worse than it needs to be.

If anyone with any kind of anxiety has got married before I'd love to hear any coping strategies from you- anything to get me through the next 4 months!

Many thanks


07-01-13, 11:38
Awww Helen even if you didn't have anxiety, planning a wedding, is big and creates all kinds of anxiety. (which is all normal) My daughter got married last March, I remember her stressing out about everything.(and trust me she dealt with a lot of different issues) All the worrying she, and I did, didn't do, or change, anything. The day came and it was beautiful. Things just seem to fall in place. Hun it will all work out, and many people question them selves just like you are.(very normal) It sounds like you have met an amazing, understanding person, and he will get you through. You are going to have so much fun, you will not have any time to be nervous. I am excited for you. Hope you feel better soon, try to enjoy the planning it will be here and gone before you know it. :hugs:

07-01-13, 12:45
Hey there, I am getting married in May as well and am feeling similarly. I didn't want a whole huge wedding at first, but my fiance did and so we are having a medium-sized wedding. I am getting anxious as we get closer because we got the big stuff out of the way (date, location, etc) and kept saying after the holidays we'd do more .... and now here we are lol.

But yes, I have had dreams about being with somebody else that have freaked me out. I love my fiance and we've been together 5 years, lived together for 3, have been through a LOT together and know he is the one for me. But it just sounds so permanent! It is just wedding jitters though.

I am sorry you feel like you don't have much help. I am kind of in the opposite position. My maid of honor has gone crazy doing everything without even asking me and it is making me a little frustrated. I am glad it keeps it off my back, but sometimes I don't think she is listening to what I really want.

What day is your wedding? Ours is May 10th. Congratulations :) We will be just fine!

07-01-13, 13:27
Hey there, I am getting married in May as well and am feeling similarly. I didn't want a whole huge wedding at first, but my fiance did and so we are having a medium-sized wedding. I am getting anxious as we get closer because we got the big stuff out of the way (date, location, etc) and kept saying after the holidays we'd do more .... and now here we are lol.

But yes, I have had dreams about being with somebody else that have freaked me out. I love my fiance and we've been together 5 years, lived together for 3, have been through a LOT together and know he is the one for me. But it just sounds so permanent! It is just wedding jitters though.

I am sorry you feel like you don't have much help. I am kind of in the opposite position. My maid of honor has gone crazy doing everything without even asking me and it is making me a little frustrated. I am glad it keeps it off my back, but sometimes I don't think she is listening to what I really want.

What day is your wedding? Ours is May 10th. Congratulations :) We will be just fine!

Firstly..I'm soo glad to hear from somebody else who's stressing out! Horrible as that sounds it's reassuring to know I'm not alone! lol

Our wedding is a week after yours, 17th May. We've jumped from location to location, first of all planning an outdoor wedding in a licensed gazebo, then a beach Humanist ceremony in Cornwall (inspired by the Ibiza episode of Don't Tell The Bride) and now getting married in a little museum in the grounds in which we had our first date. It's nice in that it's sort of how everything started, but I used to visit the park a lot, so now I have happy memories teamed with anxiety, stress and apprehension! lol

I know what you mean..we posted invites in December and I thought that's fine things will flow. Well in actual fact as yet we've had 16 replies out of a possible 90! lol. I know we've just got through Christmas and NYE, but we provided every means possible (landline, mobile numbers, emails etc) so there were plenty of ways for people to RSVP. Not too worried about formalities, my Mum wants us to be but I'd rather have a one-line text than no yay or nay whatsoever lol.

I've had a bit of conflict too between my chief bridesman and bridesmaid. I expect there's probably a few people who are itching to know wy I'm having a chief bridesman but, being completely inspeperable from my brother, there was no equivelent lol. The problem is now though is that my brother has about as much interest in bridesmaids fashion as I have in the rock gigs he goes to. That was fine as one of my bridesmaids stepped up but they are now both conflicting over my hen night lol.

I know what you mean about the dreams, I've had dreams about not being ready for the wedding on time, no cars, not being ale to find the right dress or going dress shopping on my wedding day..crazy things! lol. The name change thing I don't think has really bothered me, if anything I've almost already become accustomed to my will be married name! lol.

Have you got your dress yet? I know mine is my dream dress! I found it on Ebay for £225.00. Sounds cheap I know but just after we got engaged I sat down and sketched my dream wedding dress with a halterneck and lace-up back. I was trawling Ebay for ideas and saw the one I brought, saw the feedback and decided to take a chance. I haven't been disappointed! It's absolutely gorgeous and even if all the other fluff goes wrong the dress and the marriage will be fine! lol.

Take care and don't be afraid to put your foot down if your chief bridesmaid goes a bit over the top..it's your wedding! :)


---------- Post added at 13:27 ---------- Previous post was at 13:04 ----------

Awww Helen even if you didn't have anxiety, planning a wedding, is big and creates all kinds of anxiety. (which is all normal) My daughter got married last March, I remember her stressing out about everything.(and trust me she dealt with a lot of different issues) All the worrying she, and I did, didn't do, or change, anything. The day came and it was beautiful. Things just seem to fall in place. Hun it will all work out, and many people question them selves just like you are.(very normal) It sounds like you have met an amazing, understanding person, and he will get you through. You are going to have so much fun, you will not have any time to be nervous. I am excited for you. Hope you feel better soon, try to enjoy the planning it will be here and gone before you know it. :hugs:

So what you're telling me is that this is quite normal?! Yikes! Glad I'm only doing this once lol. We similarly have had a lot of pre-wedding issues (4 bereavements in 3 months end of 2011, moved home, bereavement end of last year etc) along with the normal wedding stresses so it's not been easy for us either. I think May will be perfect and oddly things are flowing into place for example, we didn't want to overdo Tatty Teddy at our wedding, but that later became our theme and the ivory/gold/pink of the 2012 invitations fitted perfectly with our venue, so that created our colour scheme which I used too make placecards and menus which whilst not a match look absolutely terrific! You're definitely right about Matt, he's a lovely guy, he's a bully sometimes but he bullies me for all the right reasons. Right now he's drawing up a spreadsheet so he can join me on my new workout regime so I don't feel so self-concious about working out in front of him. He's also made it clear to me that my meds are causing big problems so I know I need to get that sorted out soon!

Thanks for your thoughts :)
