View Full Version : Few things

07-01-13, 11:06
For a few months now I've had these annoying things ruining my life bit by bit.

I feel dizzy and abit like I've had a few pints. My nose is constantly running, I'm constantly tired even after a nice 8 hour sleep.

It's an odd feeling to describe but it's like my vision is causing the dizziness. I've had an eye test and all fine.

I am seeing an ENT specialist about my nose as it's apprantly quite narrow on one side and my ears are always constantly blocked.

I'm just worried that I'll go through this and it'll still be the same, so when I go see the ENT I'm going with a list of everything and hopefully they'll be able to pinpoint the problem.

When the symptoms do go it's only for a few hours at most, then all back again, with odd visions problem like trying to focus (nothing goes blurry tho).

Surely this can't be anxiety again?

07-01-13, 18:24
I hope the ENT appointment goes well for you and you can get the problems sorted.

07-01-13, 22:44
Runny nose might mean sinus issues which can cause your ears to get slightly clogged which can cause dizziness, but dizziness is also a very common symptom of anxiety.
I would try maybe a decongestant to see if it helps.

Do you suffer from migraines at all? I find my vision can get spinny or out of focus, or if I look at things or moving patterns it sends my head spinning.

08-01-13, 13:15
Well my ENT appointment has changed again now, it's now another month, which is just annoying.

Never been diagnosed with migraines but now and again I get some horrible headaches.

The more I google the more I think Ooo I have that but then seems inconclusive. Doh

08-01-13, 13:20
DON'T GOOGLE!!! Google can not see you or examine you so don't use it to diagnose yourself. You will just keep looking until you get the worst case scenario when it is likely to be something simple and not at all serious.

08-01-13, 14:27
I know what I read online needs to be taken with a pinch of salt, just after a while I'll accept anything explanation.

I think I might book with the GP again, even if it's something they can give me on a temporary basis until 11th February now, which is bound to change 15 more times!

09-01-13, 10:38
Saw my dr last night who sounded frustrated that they keep changing my ent dates.

He said the dizziness is linked to my ears and given me travel sick pills to try in the meantime.

I've recently taken a sinutab and don't feel too bad for once, it's a shame they work so well as its £3.84 a pop and can only get 15! Bah