View Full Version : Brand name to generic?

07-01-13, 11:37
I have been taking Prozep (generic) which was slowly kicking in then one day at a new pharmacy I got Lilly's Prozac (Brand name) which (apart form headaches and a bit of dulled emotions) seemed to be slightly better (maybe it was the increased dose?). Anyway I went to an Asda pharmecy the other night after work and was given Teva Fluoxetine (generic again). I have read around the generic doesn't seem to work as well as brand and also I don't want to keep switching all the time, seems a bit unstable?

07-01-13, 13:30
to my knowledge it's all the same stuff. i've had several different ones including the original. and at one time i took the liquid version too. I've had the same effect with all so hopefully it is a different dose that might make a difference to you. What always makes me laugh is the way that Prozac is packaged to look so bright & breezy almost like it's a tonic or something. which i suppose it is really.....

09-01-13, 13:33
interstingly i got my repeat prescription yesterday. the tablets look slightly different & were made by a manufacturer i havent seen before. one just has to put trust in these pharma companies & the government that it's all being done properly. at least we arent buying these things on line.

09-01-13, 13:47

The difference between brand and generic is that the brand one is still under patent and the company marketing them can therefore charge a fortune.

I'm taking Lyrica which costs my GPs practice £60 a month to supply me with, whereas the mirtazapine I also take costs them around £1 a month for me.

That said, even though the active compound in brand and generic medicines is the same, different coatings and different manufacturing processes can mean the effect may be slightly different.

In your case I suspect it was the dosage increase though.