View Full Version : Citalopram Please Help

07-01-13, 12:31
Hi Guys

Me again you must be sick of me questioning and moaning!!

I have been on Cit for about 4 years just 20mg, can after all this time it start to reverse effects, eg cause anxiety/panic? I know you get this when first starting and I havent missed any tablets, but my body feels like it has something inside it it doesnt want!

Any experiences?

Jackie xx

---------- Post added at 12:31 ---------- Previous post was at 11:54 ----------


Sorry me again> I should know this but is the adrenolin in my body causing me to grasp at straws for an answer? Came into work this morning managed to get a hold of my panic but feel terrible now. feel like running off to the hospital

07-01-13, 12:37
I am feeling the same hun been on Cit for a while but feels like its not working anymore. xx

07-01-13, 12:42
Jackie, you need to make a doctors appointment and tell them how you feel, the one that you will trust, you may have to wait a few days but you need to get some help, if not can you get an emergenct appointment if you are feeling so desperate.


07-01-13, 12:57

Gonna try and get emergency one this afternoon, I am so scared they can't help or put my medication up, don't want that, please keep talking to me

07-01-13, 13:09
They will help, and if they need to up your meds or change it then it has to be better than you are feeling now.

Let me know if you get an appointment. xx

07-01-13, 16:50
I am just going in Docs surgery

---------- Post added at 16:50 ---------- Previous post was at 15:43 ----------


Just got back from Doctors, very nice Indian lady, I burst into tears and she sat next to me which I have never had before:) had to fill a form in scored really high on the anxiety/panic section, she has referred me and put meds up to 30mg of Cit, will I get all the side effects again, been on 20mg for 5 years!

Also asked her about my biggest fear which is being sectioned, my Mum was sectioned for 6 weeks 20 years ago, I could not bear being away from my Hubby, dogs and normal life

Big hugs needed.

Jackie xx

07-01-13, 17:00
jackie look at my threads i have posted recently , ur not alone , im currently on a changeover from 20mg of citalopram to 20mg of flouxetine :)

07-01-13, 17:10
Hi Bertone

Thanks for your reply, wonder why the Cit acted like that? I have good moments then despairing moments like the whole world is coming to an end:(