View Full Version : Breast issue

07-01-13, 12:35
Hi me again. I'm getting a tingling sensation on the outer side of my left breast. It only happens occasionally, when I move in a certain way. Doesn't happen when I am still. Feels kind of like a nerve being squished, last for 1 second when it happens. I have now work eked myself up into a state about breast cancer...again!!! Has anyone else ever had this :weep:

07-01-13, 18:26
I am sure this is perfectly normal, it happens to me sometimes but I don't really take that much notice of it.

07-01-13, 18:47
Thank you for replying...it hasn't happened since this morning, but it happened the last few mornings. My arm is now aching because I have tensed it that much all day...is this health anxiety ever going to end xxx

07-01-13, 22:41
I get that odd tingling in very random places, I was getting it on my cheek for ages, I kept trying to brush it off, I also get it in a certain part of my finger, places on my legs and what not so I assume it's pretty normal.

I do sometimes get sharp shooting pains in one of nipples though, now that can get annoying very fast :)

07-01-13, 23:10
I'm so scared of everything now :weep: I wish someone could help me

08-01-13, 15:30
I'm still getting this odd feeling, its really worrying me. I had a really bad night with my anxiety last night, don't think I can cope with it anymore :(