View Full Version : There's that big black cloud.Again!!!

07-01-13, 13:46
Hi Guys.I'm not really sure what to put,other than I'm still feeling pretty low.I posted a thread in the General Anxiety forum saying how I was worried about my future and how I was afraid of coping on my own.I can't seem to shake this black cloud that's hanging over my head.Since loosing my mum in 2000 from cancer,I've had all manner of problems regarding Depression and Anxiety,and although I've have had good periods,its always there.It can't resist coming back and giving a me a slap in the face.My sister has somehow manage to keep it all together,and keep a good job and home,and I'm sure its not the case,but I always say to myself,why can't I be like that.I feel almost like I've let my family down by having all these problems.I don't know what to do to move forward and dig myself out of this hole.

07-01-13, 14:05
Hi Sarah I'm sorry that you are feeling low. It does sound like a reaction to your Mums death -unresolved grief. Mu Mum died in 1988. It was a big shock. She had a terminal illness but it all seemed to go into fast forward until she died. I strongly suggest that you ask your GP for some counselling? There may be issues surrounding your Mum's death that need to come out.? It was the same for me. Until I had resolved some of the issues I could not move on. Best wishes. EJ

07-01-13, 14:06
Hi Guys.I'm not really sure what to put,other than I'm still feeling pretty low.I posted a thread in the General Anxiety forum saying how I was worried about my future and how I was afraid of coping on my own.I can't seem to shake this black cloud that's hanging over my head.Since loosing my mum in 2000 from cancer,I've had all manner of problems regarding Depression and Anxiety,and although I've have had good periods,its always there.It can't resist coming back and giving a me a slap in the face.My sister has somehow manage to keep it all together,and keep a good job and home,and I'm sure its not the case,but I always say to myself,why can't I be like that.I feel almost like I've let my family down by having all these problems.I don't know what to do to move forward and dig myself out of this hole.
i know it,s like u can see the black cloud hanging over u. i lost my dad in march last yr from an heart attack. but he had cancer lymphoma. it,s terrible.... WE,LL GET THERE.

08-01-13, 08:10
Hi, l lost my dad last feb and my mum in oct. I know Exactly how u feel. I have the same cloud over me
Sonya xx