View Full Version : Health Anxiety Relapse - 1 year after coming off meds :o(

Fred Speed
07-01-13, 14:10
It started about 6 weeks ago when my beloved pet cat died. I then convinced myself I had breast cancer as I was suffering breast pain. I was also due on my period. And the breast pain stopped once my period had ended.

Then I had some mucus in my stool (sorry if TMI) and of course on the strength of this one symptom decided that I absolutely had bowel cancer. I passed a few 'normal' stools after that and was ok.

Then Christmas was particularly horrid. I had a tight chest over Christmas and have of course convinced myself I have lung cancer (lord knows why as I don't really have any of the symptoms - I think that nasty advert has something to do with it. Plus I'm 32 and quit smoking 2 years ago) . So the tight chest symptoms have kind of alleviated but now I feel like I'm having to take deep breaths all of the time.

Good old Google suggests that it is a definate anxiety issue. I am really annoyed as been off Citalopram for a year now and thought I was doing really well :o(

I am just trying to be positive but I just want to feel normal again. Anyone else had a similar thing?

Thanks x

07-01-13, 18:34
I can understand how the loss of your cat could trigger your anxiety again. Pets are very much part of our families. Maybe you should see you GP and maybe have medication for a while again. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs: