View Full Version : can i get worse?

29-08-06, 18:49
i have had anxiety for 4 months now, i know its not a long time when i read about some of you, i am an amateur i suppose. the thing is that even in the beginning when i didnt know what was happening to me or what day of the week it was i still got off the bed/dizzy/sick etc, i still went to the supermarket, went back to work, queued in the shops/panicked etc but i never stopped. i suppose its got easier cos i understand it all. but what im scared of is can i get worse? when i read about people not wanting to go out and stuff it scares me because its early days am i too confident?

your thoughts plz

we are all stronger people after having this

29-08-06, 18:56
Hi there

The important thing is to listen to what your body is telling you. Your body is getting anxious to protect you. You need to figure out what's going on. It is possible it could get worse, but if you tackle what's at it's cause then there's a good chance it won't. If I do too much work then I get more and more anxious and get into a state where I can't go out, but itf I see the signs early enough adn reduce my workload and be kind to myself, it doesn't get any worse, if that makes sense! What I'm trying to say is don't worry about it cos that'll make it worse anyway, but look at what you could do to make things easier for yourself right now. Be kind to yourself and listen to your body. If it's too much going into a shop one day then don't push yoruself to do it. Take it easy. Your body will only keep on going and telling you something's wrong by creating more anxiety until you stop and listen to it.

Hope that helps and I've not waffled too much!

Hangtough [^]

29-08-06, 19:03
Hello Juju,
I think that some people can get worse and other people just learn to deal with their anxiety. It just depends on the person. I have had Panic Attacks off and on now for 15 years and sometimes I go through periods where there is not a single Panicy feeling and I am fine. Then out of the blue wham, the PA come back. Like you I still go about my daily life the best I can. It is really hard sometimes,but there is no way I can hide in my house away from the world. I think that you must have a lot of strenght to have been dealing with your problem and go about your life anyway. Keep on venting your feelings here and don't feel like you are alone. I hope you will get better soon. Keep on living and don't let this awful problem stop you or keep you down!!!:)
Good luck. Twila

29-08-06, 19:07
thankyou both sooo much, it really helps to discuss your fears/worries with people who understand where your coming from.
anyone else would look at me stupid

we are all stronger people after having this

29-08-06, 19:09

The choice is yours at the end of the day.

You could just decide that you are never going to be completely rid of this and then your life could get worse and you could get agoraphobic.

Or, you could decide that you are going to beat this now and get over it asap.

You have to choose how your future and this illness maps out I am afraid to say.

I am sure you will choose the positive path and do everything you can to go down that route.


29-08-06, 19:57
thanks for that nic,
the problem is that i keep asking myself why now? i think i could do with talking to a councillor to find out what my fears really are and whats causing them. at the moment it seems to jump from one thing to the other, my gp says that its not fear, its just the imbalance of chemicals in the brain right now, but why do they seem so real then? i try not to anylyse and accept but its hard not to, and also shouldnt you try and find out what you are scared of and then come to terms with it?

we are all stronger people after having this

29-08-06, 19:59
Hang tough, I think you put that really well.
I think, too its your bodys way of saying that some part of your life needs to be addressed. Unfortuanately even after a lot of us have addressed it our body has re trained itself to keep thinking like it has been !

29-08-06, 20:06
miss acorah,
yes i think you are right about that, but like my last post says i dont really know why, i mean i think that its all caused by fear/frustration, etc etc, but i dont know of what - the world in general perhaps, if i had one specific reason i could deal with it better. i have been diagnosed with gad, my mental health specialist told me that its a bit of everything, i have had h/a -ocd-depression but i know its all fear based anyway, so i still need to find out what the main fear is, and why its disguising itself in so many forms.
thanks anyway
take care

we are all stronger people after having this

29-08-06, 21:02

I have spent the last 10 years suffering with Aniexty/Panic, i think 7 of those years i thought there was something very serious wrong with me,e.g brain tumour ect, the list is endless
Once i accepted it was panic/anxiety it was alot easier, the last year i have improved lots and i am finally on the road to recovery.



29-08-06, 21:05
that is great for you i bet you are so pleased, you should be.
thing is im really glad i found this site and learned really quick that these sensations arent real, i dont even think like that no more which i suppose is good

we are all stronger people after having this

29-08-06, 21:10

Ju, i wish i had found this site years ago, im sure it wouldnt have taken me this long to recover.

Im glad you have found this site JU, you will get there my friend!



31-08-06, 11:29

You stay confident, girl! These feelings are coming from your subconscious mind, so the more positive you stay the more notice it will take[^]

With anxiety and PAs, knowledge is power. You will learn a lot from the good people on here and although knowledge alone will not 'cure' the problem it will go a long way to making it more bearable until you find the right way for you to conquer it.

In the meantime download the free ebook on the website below - it is where I started and it was invaluable for me. (Nearly 7 months free now!) If you can afford it I recommend the CDs, but if not the book has some really useful strategies for coping.

Best wishes,


This helped me (so I don't go on about it!):

01-09-06, 14:30
Hello Julie,

we have all been plagued by the why me , why now questions and sometimes the answer is just not plain to see. Sometimes a counsellor is helpful and sometimes if you can see the woods for the trees its easier and less worrying to just symptom manage and see if you can use self help and understanding the condition better to move onwards through it.

Knowing that for most people it is your internal thoughts and chatter that creates the initial fear is a big step to admit.

Listen to how you approach difficult tasks and whether you are optimistic or look for possible pitfalls and whether you have confidence or are timid for these tasks- how you are in life is of not much consequence right now

Good luck


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress