View Full Version : So scared of Bloot Clot Brain

29-08-06, 19:00
Hi everyone,

Hoping someone can help beacuse i cant cope anymore, about three weeks ago i got a severe pain in head, and this has continued to now, the pain is sharp shooting all over head, when i get them it makes me panic so so bad , as i think i am about to have a anyersm (blood clot) in my brain and die instantly, i have been to the docs and she has checked me out and says it is nothing serious just anxiety related as everything i go to the doctors for is.
But i cant get over it, i can not describe just how scared i am, i get these pains all the time, or if i am talking or watching TV and i havent had one for an hour or so, it comes so bad and makes me have a bad panic attack.
I have suffered with GAD & PA for 4 years now, and have been doing well then relapsed so many times, recently i took myself off Cipralex as i felt very wierd on them, and had very bad withdrawel effects, which threw me into a bad relapse, now can not cope at all, no energy, feel like i am going mad, scared of life, eating in case its been poisoned, drinking in case its been spiked, people touching me or my things in case of germs, am at my wits end.
Cant see my doc again till sept 8th think i will have to go back on meds but dread the first 2 weeks of side effect think i will totally lose it.
just want an Mri done to rule out my biggest fear, I have suffered with headaches over a year ago but dont ever remember them being so so bad, back then i was convinced i had a brain tumor, and i would have a slow horrible death, but now i am convinced i will die as soon as i get the pain, i dont think it helps that my friends mum had a severe blood clot in the brain, my friend told me she had a severe headache for a few minutes then collapsed, and went into a coma, now she is literally paralysed.

Sorry for the long post, does anyone understand or can help me!


29-08-06, 19:59
Dear Claire

Totally understand hun, I have suffered with the most severe headaches for years now and snap like yourself it brings on the worst panic attcks ever, my doc said to me last time ( after goin to see him ALL the time ) that it could just be me and to deal with it!!!. I worry that hes missed something and that I will die-sounds weird reading this??.

So I trully understand hunny, I seem to be getting worse as well and not better.

Please PM me Claire if you need someone to relate.

Take Care

Kirsty X X

29-08-06, 20:06

You may find that a good head and neck massage will really help with this so try that first.

I think I am right in thinking that if it was a blood clot then you would be dead by now as you have had it 3 weeks then it won't be that.

Please try the massage - by a professional if possible - and see if that helps.


29-08-06, 20:32
hi clarabell,
i too suffer with gad, and one worry just jumps to another doesnt it. i know what you mean about being scared of life too. i think nics right hun you would be a goner by now ( sorry to put it so blunt)
you know once u stop worrying about it it will go dont you? have you had your eyes tested?

we are all stronger people after having this

30-08-06, 12:21
I totally understand how you are feeling...back when my anxiety started my ultimate fear was i had a brain tumour...i convinced myself, and developed all of the symptoms(except collapsing) made myself so ill over it...in the end my parents paid for me to have the scan done privately....it reassured me for a couple of days then i was back to square one.........i was then convinced i was going to have a brain haemmorage or aneurysm at any minute..and got the most awful head rushes...the fear of tumours etc still hangs around in the back of my mind..and every pain even now the irrational in me thinks the worst.......but now i have moved on to fearing having a heart attack or something..........you see the fear moves.......we have anxietynot a serious illness....have you seen a counsellor or CBT??
you may need to go back on your meds for a little longer...did you feel they helped you?

30-08-06, 14:19

Yep I can relate

My head pains are the only thing that really gets to me.
i am convinced of a brain tumour. I want and MRI, as i think it is the only thing that will put my mind at ease.

I have been to Docs, like a hundred times.
I am currently taking homeopathic Nat. Mur. 30c
it is helping I think!!!! Also have had reflexology and am having reiki.

My doc says it is tension in the neck which cause trapped nerves and muscle spasms. I have had it now since Nov last year and keep telling myself if it was something serious then i would be dead by now.....wouldnt I?

Hope you feel better xxxx

Hay x

30-08-06, 20:29
Thank you all for your kind replys, i am going to see a CBT therapist tomo, so she may help me, although today is the worst i have felt in a long time, bad bad headache, super panic at lunch time couldnt return to work, feel so ill now, have sudden feelings of no energy as if i have not eaten, when i just have.
I feel such a failure i just want to be normal, i drove and sat outside the hospital beacuse the pain in my head was so bad and came on so suddenly i thought i was dying.
I cant beleive that i havent gone back to work, got my boyfriend to call up, but am a supervisor there and feel so bad that i cant cope wit it.
At this moment i literally feel like i am gonna die any minute, head so bad no energy and feel like Sh*t.
Sorry to be so sad and boring

Thanks for the emails


30-08-06, 22:40
I don't know if this will make you feel better but i know what you're going through!!! When all my probs started i got backache which i now know was stress related but at the time it had to be a spinal tumour according to me!!! Next it was a a breast lump which even though i was told was a cyst i was still convinced it was cancer and at the moment my aches and pians and wind symptoms aren't stress they must be some dreadful desease! When rational i can see what i am doing but at dark times nothing helps and the stress makes it worse i really hate myself sometimes!!!!

01-09-06, 14:41
Hey Claire

Couple of things to consider .. when did you take yourself off your cipralex and how well did you wean yourself off ?? Shooting pains is a well known withdrawal symptom and can persist for several months.

I thought I had a aneurysm for a fgew weeks and was getting worked up and scareder so I went to the hospital - easy for me as I worked there, and ran up and down the flights of stairs for 5 mins. If there was a clot or weakness that would have shifted it to the point of no doubt. Apart from proving how unfit I was it certainly proved that there was nothing wrong at all with my head.

The reality is that with aneurysms there would be a clinical picture with more symptoms than what you are describing with the shooting pains and headaches.

Headaches are totally normal and acceptable with anxiety as all muscles tense up and this includes those in your scalp.


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