View Full Version : feel down for no reason

07-01-13, 20:01
I have suffered from panic attacks and anxiety since I was 16 I am taking anti depressents now and have been to cbt I am 19 now and I still get quite depressed for no reason at all that I know of , it just feels like a black cloud that won't go away. Sometimes I feel fine then one day it happens that in sad and down all my panic attacks started by thinking about god and the end of the world and killing myself even though I don't want to die.
Does anyone else feel like this.

07-01-13, 22:02
I'm sorry that you feel this way. I can relate to this. I suffer from anxiety too and several times in my life it has lead me to be very depressed. I wish that there was an easy answer for these problems. I have suffered for well over ten years but during that time I . have had long periods where my depression and anxiety have lifted and I have lived a normal life. Depression is so debilitating but there is always hope. When my depression kicks in, I try to do things that will help me through it. I use self hypnosis mp3s which help me to relax. I read books that help me, there is a great I've called the Zen path through depression which is written in such a compassionate and caring way. Exercise and eating well help although it's the last thing in the world you feel like. Just keep repeating to yourself phrases that help, I like to say to myself 'this too, shall pass'. Hugs to you, the emptiness and despair are so hard to deal with, but there are always people out there to reach out to and there is always hope that things will get better.

09-01-13, 17:44
Can totally relate to your thoughts and feelings, i to get very distressed over my thoughts of heaven/hell, why are we here?, what if i kill myself? trully awful place to be in, but it always passess. If we were meant to think this way we would of been doing it since birth, just hold on :)

17-01-13, 10:09
I understand where you are coming from I am the same. To me I often think that life sucks and its just not worth living.
I cant even do things to cheer me up when I am feeling like that because it just does not cheer me up.

I hope you are able to feel better soon and get through this maybe you need to change your medication to something else that will be more effective to you.

All the best

17-01-13, 11:22
I think you will find lots of people on here who feel the same. It's very hard to shake off the black cloud and do even the simplest of things. The pattern of the illness, although it has similarities seems different for everyone in the things that spark it off.

I always think it's worth going back to your GP if you're not feeling better. Do you have family or friends to support you?

I hope you feel better soon
