View Full Version : One for the ladies.....citalopram and menstrual cycle length?

little scientist
07-01-13, 20:29
Hi ladies,

Has anyone had a shortening of cycle length on citalopram? This isn't the first time I have been on citalopram, but this time (since about November) I have noticed my cycles getting shorter. I used to be a bang on 28 day lady, the last few of months I have found them getting shorter, for a couple of months the cycle got shorter by a couple of days, then this month, suddenly, its about a week shorter (ie only two weeks since the end of my last period).

so as I said before, has anyone had a change in their cycle length while on cit?

07-01-13, 20:46
My periods have never been particularly regular (sometimes the start day can vary by up to 5 days either way, each month), but I haven't noticed any significant shortening of my cycle since being on cit.

However, I have noticed that my periods don't tend to be quite as heavy as they used to be, and sometimes they are a day shorter than normal. My periods always used to drag on for 6 or 7 days, but now they tend to last for 5 or 6 days. :)

07-01-13, 21:39
hey there - i'm on sertraline and it does the same thing. it took about 6 months before it stab ilised at a 25 days (used to be 28.5 dasys), and then when i went up from 100 to 150mg it shortened it by a further week, although i only stayed at that dose for a month and this month my period is 'late' - in fact should have been here today by a normal 28 day cycle, but this is my first one since I went back down to 100mg. So yep, SSRI's complately affect my menstrual cycle
