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View Full Version : Doctors telling me il be ok

07-01-13, 20:37
Hi I been to doctors today due to having really bad anxiety having really horrible thoughts about dying he said to me that he doesn't think I need any sort of medication to help with it is he right or could that little bit of medication help me he has referred me to see someone but that's it I keep getting chest pains and was nearly crying when I went in to see them I feel like my doctor dosent want to help me and thinks I'm just a iprocontract :/ I no what I feel and think and just scared that I'm not going to get any help with my anxiety :(

07-01-13, 21:44

Your gp has probably done the right thing. He'll be reluctant to give you anti anxiety medication because its addictive. It may help today but you won't be able to rely on it longterm.

Try and relax. Do something to take your mind of things. See whoever your gp has given you an appointment to see. See if it helps.


08-01-13, 05:36
Your gp has probably done the right thing. He'll be reluctant to give you anti anxiety medication because its addictive. It may help today but you won't be able to rely on it longterm.

Anti depressants aren't addictive as such but people can suffer withdrawal symptoms when they stop taking them. I think you may be referring to benzos such as diazepam/Valium for short term use. They are very addictive.

Laura I went to see my GP several times but it was me who was reluctant to start anti depressants as I was confident I could get better on my own. They started me on just propranolol after a few months of nothing and trying to do it alone to help the physical symptoms such as chest pain etc. it worked for a few days then I got bad indigestion with it and my anxiety got worse. I stuck with it for another couple of months and whilst had a few good days I was getting worse. I then went back and told the doctor I was ready to try anti depressants. I feel I gave my body a long enough time to try and deal with this and made an informed decision to start medication rather than just diving in. All the medication will do is give your mind breathing space. Therapy is the absolute key to dealing with your issues long term though not medication.

Cbt is really good for dealing with your here and now anxiety but anxiety is just a symptom of what's really going on deep in your sub conscious. Until you find out what this is and deal with it (counselling/psychotherapy) you will be prone to it coming back.

I trust my therapist completely on this.