View Full Version : really scared what is this arm pain

anx mum
07-01-13, 21:07
Not only have i got chest pain now ive got shoulder and left arm pain went to docs on friday he did a heart trace nothing showed up over weekend and today been bad what could this be:weep:

07-01-13, 21:24
My husband has a lot of pain in his left arm and shoulder and I was very concerned as he has had 2 heart attacks before. I got him to go to the doctors and he was told he has frozen shoulder, so nothing to worry about.

07-01-13, 21:46
Not only have i got chest pain now ive got shoulder and left arm pain went to docs on friday he did a heart trace nothing showed up over weekend and today been bad what could this be:weep:
it,s ust anxiety or you,ve been using that arm more or/& straind your chest. u will be ok. xxxx how r u know. please let me know

anx mum
07-01-13, 21:57
scared to be honest it hurts and keep getting pins and needles think i will go bk to doc 2moz

07-01-13, 22:34
if it's pins in needles there's a good chance it's a compressed or trapped nerve, do you notice any changes in pain or sensation if you move your arm, shrug your shoulders and rotate them?

Also I once had some sort of muscle cramp/spasm it went down the left side of my neck and through my arm, my arm felt like I had a blood pressure cuff on it.
Very scary and I was in a lot of pain at the time.
If the ECG was good then yay : ) but look if you are still worried go back down to the doctor or even to the hospital but honestly you will be ok.

Chest and arm pain doesn't mean it's your heart, if it was it would have shown up in the tests.

anx mum
08-01-13, 21:04
Thank u anxious girl dr today did say summat about a trapped nerve over the weekend it was awful pain pins and needles etc horrible on painkillers so hopefully will ease

09-01-13, 05:27
Anxiety can often cause pins and needles in your limbs as well. I get it in my left arm quite a lot and a numb feeling or a heavy feeling and ways in my left arm. Fits nicely with my fear of a heart attack. It's no coincidence unfortunately anxiety likes to hit us where it hurts to trigger your panic. If I got pins and needles in my leg say I wouldn't give it two thoughts

10-01-13, 12:06
I've had a sore right shoulder and pain into arm off and on for over two years. I only developed it since developing anxiety and the pain miraculously disappeared when i was pregnant (that is, when I stopped focusing on my sore shoulder/arm and started focusing on the baby!). It returned when my baby was just over a month old (when I started feeling anxious again) and I can be pain free when i'm very focused and involved in something. When I look at it rationally here, it says 'anxiety', but, of course, we all think the worst when we're anxious!

10-01-13, 12:27
I agree. My right arm and leg are usually the first to cause me problems when I'm feeling stressed or anxious. They get stiff and crampy and I get alot of perceived weakness. I had a big fear of having a stroke last year so you can imagine what that was like :ohmy:! I've learnt to deal with my anxiety now so if I'm feeling stressed and start getting symptoms I ingnore them and keep busy. It isn't always easy but they don't scare me like they used to..... just very annoying! xx