View Full Version : Son in hospital now

07-01-13, 21:24
Hi everyone I'm a wreck. My wlife is down hospital with my son. About 6 hours ahoy he had temp of 39 and through calpol and nurofen has not changed. Called doctors who got an ambulance out. They took him off but we're really calm. My partner says it's precaution
Is heart is beating quick. I nearly lost his twin when new born and my health anxiety has been bad ever since I can't cope

07-01-13, 21:28
Ahh willous, I've got a 3 year old and last year his temp was too high and they were gonna keep him in. This winter he just can't shake off the colds. He's laid behind me on the sofa as I speak, he's soo tired and red faced. Scary

Thinking of you all , hope he's ok

07-01-13, 21:30
Sorry to hear your son is poorly. He is in the best place to get better and I am sure he will be well looked after. Please update us to let us know how he is doing. It is very worrying when our children are ill. :hugs:

07-01-13, 21:38
Hi everyone I'm a wreck. My wlife is down hospital with my son. About 6 hours ahoy he had temp of 39 and through calpol and nurofen has not changed. Called doctors who got an ambulance out. They took him off but we're really calm. My partner says it's precaution
Is heart is beating quick. I nearly lost his twin when new born and my health anxiety has been bad ever since I can't cope
u & your son will b ok. just pray even if your not that type. just pray do it now & put all your soul into it. i promise u all will b ok. how old is your son...... i got 2 kids a son who,s nearly 5 & girl who,s 6 & they haven,t been very well at all. virus it was. don,t forget pray now.

07-01-13, 21:40
Thinking of you, my daughter was in hospital when she was three months old. They are very cautious with little ones, they did all the tests for meningitis but it turned out she just had a stomach flu.

07-01-13, 22:24
Thank you to every one of you. Just got hold of my partner. His temperature has come down and there just keeping an eye on him. Kids scare the lied out of you.

07-01-13, 22:30
39 is high but it's not in the danger zone, Kid's temperatures do tend to run higher than adults though,

So sorry to hear he's in hospital, oh that's a good sign his temperature has come down, hope you can feel a bit calmer now about it : )

07-01-13, 22:33
So sorry to hear about your son, I am glad his temp is coming down. They will take good care of him. :hugs: Best wishes!

07-01-13, 23:00
He is just being checked out again. Praying he is able to come home. Thanks again all of you. And I can honestly say we are so so lucky to gave the NHS. Just incredible. Saved my sons live before and the fact it is so good reassures me a bit with regards to this horrible HA.

07-01-13, 23:04
pleased his temperature has come down and hope he can come home soon xx

08-01-13, 09:04

It is very important if a baby has a high temperature to bring it down....my son had a febrile convulsion at 13 mths due to high temperature from an ear infection....once these happen they can be prone to further episodes.*

My son is now 5 and has had in total around 9 convulsions now, some at home some at school the most recent on Xmas morning....
(he is about to go for further testing)*

That in itself is a scary thing to see...so it's good to be cautious and to resolve it ASAP with regards to temperatures in infants.....

08-01-13, 10:24
Hi everyone, He was discharged at 12.10 this morning. He has a virus and we are just keeping an eye on him but he is cooler this morning. Thanks for everyones support.

Hope your son is okay Em84. Anything to do with kids is horrible and it's so easy to panic.

Also, as usual Annie, your words really helped me and I appreciate it.

08-01-13, 12:35
I am pleased he is doing better and back home again :hugs: