View Full Version : My bloods weren't all clear

29-08-06, 19:30
My bloods were all fine but my full blood count and feritin levels only came back today, the full blood count was all normal thankfully but there is a note for me to see my GP this week about my feritin levels so im going on friday.

I know its low iron stores and its no wonder with my diet over the last 4 years does this mean im not aneamic? the receptionist did say the full blood count was fine so I took it that I musn't be. I have myself in a state thinking that it means that I must have cancer or something because ive been told your iron stores run out before you get anaemic and I panic if i get anamic:-( I know its a normal thing but im really upset because ive alot more bruises over the weekend and I feel headachy and generally crap.:(

My mum had the same problem a while ago and had to have frequent blood tests. She too had very bad tiredness, headaches, leg pains etc.... her dr told her they were all the symptoms of low iron stores.

Ju x

29-08-06, 20:14

Remember what you said to me sweetie"If you had cancer your bloods wouldnt be normal at all

Many women suffer from low iron stores
Its not anything for you to worry about
The Dr might give you some iron to take and you will be fine in no time
Hunny x

29-08-06, 20:29
Thanks hun.

I can give good advice but don't listen to it myself, hehe.

30-08-06, 17:19
Hi Jem

Had a little look up for you (quite hard to find info actually but managed to find something that made sense in the end!) and found the following:-

Ferritin is a protein- it is used to store iron in the body.
If your Ferritin levels are low then the most likely cause is chronic anaemia.
Chronic anaemia is commonly caused by malnutrition.
Anaemia can cause leg pains, and occasionally chest pains, too.

So, yes it seems as if it is still possible you could be anaemic. I do understand why you're worried about it, but remember millions of people become anaemic at some point in their lives (I've had it whilst pregnant and, um, non-pregnant!).
If the doctor confirms it, if I were you I'd ask for a repeat test in a few weeks, and in the meantime, make a really big effort to fix your diet!
I've had the same problems, and at times I literally have to force myself to eat, and sometimes I lapse and don't bother, but it can certainly be done when you're that worried.

Hope it's all ok chick


30-08-06, 18:43
This has happened to me quite a few times over the years, as a teenager eating a crappy diet, during and after each one of my pregnancys with the piglets and then in the last few years because my periods are so heavy. I always feel ten times better with a good boost of iron in me.:)

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

30-08-06, 21:43
Thank you both:-) I am seeing my dr friday, I am very nervous. My full blood count was normal but ferritin levels were low so if my fbc is normal I guessed I can't be anaemic. My mum has low ferritin levels but isn't anaemic you see.

I am really scared that something serious is wrong with me:-( thinking I must have cancer and my gp on friday will tell me my results are not ok afterall.