View Full Version : Doctor will not talk to me until I have a echocardiogram done

08-01-13, 14:30
I had a chest x-ray done on the Christmas Eve and that came back and a doctor told me I have a slightly large heart on the normal side?????

So I phoned to speak to my regular doctor to ask where that leaves me! I have waited for her to phone me.

Phone rings it is the surgery with a message for me the doctor will not talk to me about it until I have had my echocardiogram done!

Now I'm starting to panic, I know I shouldn't but that is easy said than done.

08-01-13, 14:37
I guess the only reason the doctor is saying that is that there is nothing really he can say until he gets the results from the echo cardiogram. :hugs:

08-01-13, 18:21
I guess the only reason the doctor is saying that is that there is nothing really he can say until he gets the results from the echo cardiogram. :hugs:

It's just the over thinking now and the waiting not only is it wait for the appointment it's then wait for the doctors to see it so could be months

08-01-13, 19:06
Most surgeries have an ECG machine so they can do one there and the Dr gets the results right away.

08-01-13, 19:21
Wow we seem to be very similar! Although Ive had my Echo, and the stupid woman kept saying things which has really upset and worried me. My GP spoke to me on the phone today and said he will keep checking to see if the report is back as he knows how scared I am.
I know, like me, you have been on pregabalin too. I have such a strong feeling my 'enlargement on the upper side of normal' is due to being on it as I started it in Feb, and since Feb the chest xrays started to show the enlargement.

I hope all goes well. I feel exactly the same as you. Ive been so worried.

Take care
Charlotte x

08-01-13, 19:33
Most surgeries have an ECG machine so they can do one there and the Dr gets the results right away.

Hi Elle-Kay an ECG is a electrocardiogram this is a echocardiogram. Too many different test to get to the answers.

08-01-13, 19:34
Surely if it was something of real medical concern they would have called you straight in??? I don't think they will mess about if they suspect they have uncovered a life threatening condition on your heart. If your GP isn't feeling an urgent need to talk to you right now I would take that as a reassuring sign :) are they wanting to do an ECG on you or an ultrasound of the heart, or both?

08-01-13, 19:39
Wow we seem to be very similar! Although Ive had my Echo, and the stupid woman kept saying things which has really upset and worried me. My GP spoke to me on the phone today and said he will keep checking to see if the report is back as he knows how scared I am.
I know, like me, you have been on pregabalin too. I have such a strong feeling my 'enlargement on the upper side of normal' is due to being on it as I started it in Feb, and since Feb the chest xrays started to show the enlargement.

I hope all goes well. I feel exactly the same as you. Ive been so worried.

Take care
Charlotte x

Hi Charlotte (nice name same as my 3 year old). Yes it seems like me and you are in the same boat.
I have looked around the Internet and have yet to find a connection between pregabalin and heart enlargement, but I will say I think you are onto something because I had a chest X-ray done December 2011 and no one said anything about heart enlargement on that X-ray (it was done at a&e) and I started pregabalin in January 2012.

So could be a connection if it is we must get in contact with the manufacturer and let them know.

Hope we both get the correct answers that everything is OK!


08-01-13, 19:39
Many athletes have slightly larger hearts and hat is a good thing, like any muscle the heart can become bigger if you are fit and active, so that wouldn't be of any concern.

08-01-13, 19:50
Thanks for your reply pinktel. Yeah it's the ultrasound (echocardiogram).

Yeah what you have said makes sense, but as many know it does play on your mind al the fears of what may be!

Common sense say if it was urgent they would order it done at hospital, but then it just makes you ponder on it.

---------- Post added at 19:50 ---------- Previous post was at 19:44 ----------

I wish I was fit like an athlete, I'm afraid to say I have let my body go to ruin I wish I never.

A person I know died on New Year's Day he was only 24 and a new father he was found alone in his house they believe it was a heart attack. He was not super fit or unfit just a average person. So I think that is playing up on my mind on how a 24 year old dies from something I fear and it took him with out anyone else around to help!

Sorry had to get that of my mind

08-01-13, 19:59
I reckon they will just be scanning so they can say well we dotted all the I's and crossed all the t's if you see what I mean :D

Sounds like the x ray showed a heart in the upper normal region of size (and hold on to that word "normal" as even if it s towards upper normal size... It's still technically normal... Someone's got to have larger hearts than others, just like we have bigger noses than others etc :D)

... Then because it showed a size toward the upper limits, somewhere there will be some protocol written down by someone to say that in this circumstance it may be prudent to also carry out a scan just to remove all future doubt that there is any problem.

Do you knw if your blood pressure is raised?

---------- Post added at 19:59 ---------- Previous post was at 19:52 ----------

Sorry to hear about the young chap passing like that, it's horrid and so very shocking of course.
Someone once said to me "your heart has been given the all clear, now it's time to look after it."
It really struck a chord with me. I had spent years worrying about palpitations, ectopics, tachycardia and a trivial mitral valve prolapse. NONE of them are going to kill me, they don't threaten my life, only my lifestyle.
Spend an afternoon on a cardiac ward and most people there would love to swap hearts.
I resolved to start to nurture and cherish my heart, exercise, cut out caffeine, too much fat, sugar, alcohol, you know the score, all the boring things I thought I would never want to do.
Well here's the thing... It makes you feel good, your body begins to thank you, and the mind isn't far behind.
We should all try to focus more on looking after the hearts we have:)

08-01-13, 20:15
My bp is said to be ok I has it done a few weeks back and normally it is around the 130/90 (and that was in ghd doctors normsl it is higher with whitecoat s)but has been lower before now had a 24 hour one done about 3 years ago and that said something like 117/78 (I think the machine was faulty).

I will hold onto the normal bit

Cheers Chris

---------- Post added at 20:15 ---------- Previous post was at 20:03 ----------

I'm trying to help my heart out by cutting down on all the crap that used to go into my body, stopped using salt years ago most of my food is homemade still have a beef burger but it is fresh made only thing added is onion and carrot. Lol my wife loves home cooking.Stop added sugar and as for booze that is next to nothing maybe a few bottles of lagar once a week.
Most of the junk food has gone.

I'm 41 now is time to help my bony not hinder it.

And yes if is very sad about my friend he had also had a fall out with his misses so she had took the kids to Spain for chrisrmas and they chatted for about 7 hours on Skype the day before and said they would get back together and maybe work on another child.

And also I remember when I wash rushed to a&e December 2011 I felt so alone no one else with me, I was thinking my heart was giving up on me and a chap across from me went in for his chest X-ray and the next thing I knew sirens went off and nurses were running around as he had a heart attack whilst having the X-ray!
I seem them rush him past me!!! I wonder what every happened to that man? Hoping he was ok and recovered!!

08-01-13, 20:20
Hi Chris,

Have you had any ECGs done at all? Ive had about 15 over the past year (all in a+e or on a ward after my tummy surgery). All of my ecgs have been normal. My GP ordered me a BNP blood test (weird name) which checks for heart disease. That was completely normal. So no heart disease either which is good. I am trying to find a link to having normal xrays before feb 2012 and then to after then....and the only thing I can think of is the pregabalin. Ive stopped it and now having major withdrawal symptoms (stomach pains, headaches, dizziness) as my doctor wants me on a mirtazapine instead. If indeed they do find something is up (and I hope to god it isnt), I will pursue this theory of mine that it's linked to the pregabalin as I know the Drs wont want to admit it as they were persistent in putting me on it!Please let me know how you get on as I know how u are feeling :) x

08-01-13, 20:36
Hi Charlotte,

I think over the last 2 years I have had about 8 ecgs (two of them taken in the amberlance so that lasted 30mins each) also 2 treadmill ecgs. And all the normal tests they do in the a&e department. I have never had the bnp test done.

All the ecgs were ok and both treadmill tests were normal.

I will keep you up to date and hopefully you will do the same.
Also if you really think that the pregabalin is to cause we will have to get it looked into as if you have a chest X-ray that was like mine taken just before starting pregabalin and it showed normal but new ones show enlargement it means it could be linked!

Take care Chris