View Full Version : nights

08-01-13, 17:26
I am so scared and anxious about night time as I know my anxiety is going to get worse. Does anyone else feel worse at night and how do you cope as I am struggling :wacko:

08-01-13, 17:42
Hello Ats666, I find it a real struggle to cope with my anxiety at night as well. I'm currently in my last year at uni, so live away from home, and it really gets me down. I find a herbal tea and either watching a film until I fall asleep or playing a game on my phone helps to take my mind away from all my worries. I do have nights where it gets too much and end up on the phone to my parents for hours! But doing anything that distracts you from your thoughts does help, if only just to get to sleep. Hope this helps a bit :)

08-01-13, 18:03
I also find nights much worse! I guess it's because we have nothing but our worries to distract ourselves with when we're lying there trying to sleep. A herbal tea is definitely calming, watch some TV, read a book, think about things that you're looking forward too. Basically anything to distract yourself with until you fall asleep. One thing not to do is worry! Worries can wait until the morning :)

Good luck!

08-01-13, 18:11
I find nights really hard too. Havent spent a night away from home in the last 13 years except in a hospital. I guess it because we are more isolated at night.

08-01-13, 19:49
Thanks for your replies, I try to keep myself busy with positive things, but my brain keeps turning positives negative. I wish I could be normal again, I'm really struggling to cope at the moment :(

08-01-13, 20:28
It's all I think about at night too, really struggle with sleep as my mind is always on the go.

08-01-13, 21:27
Night time is my worst part of the day no joking I hate it I fear it so much incase I don't wake up its an awful feeling I sympathise with you x

08-01-13, 21:31
I once stayed up all night and didn't sleep because I was convinced if I went to sleep I wouldn't wake up, don't worry you're not alone x

08-01-13, 21:46
Yep I've done that before, its a horrible feeling, just wish people would understand xx