View Full Version : uni final exams, anxiety/panic at breaking point

08-01-13, 18:54
I think I really need some support, its the first round of my final year exams and I can barely function with day-to-day life. I'm worried I will fail, I'm worried everyone will laugh at me and i won't know anything. I had it in my mind that i COULD get a 1st if i tried really really hard but I've worked out with my results that isn't possible unless i get 80% in everything (not going to happen) so I feel that my motivation to work hard is ruined and I feel helpless and hopeless.

I usually let my panic take over and a run far away, i drink and smoke and eat rubbish, or not eat at all. every fibre in my body is telling me to run and drink and buy cigarettes and order a really nasty take away and go to the pub. But I'm still in the library... for now...

I also don't feel comfortable at home, my housemates cause my social anxiety to go off the scale and try move my things and make a mess, so I've basically been living with my boyfriend but I don't want to stay at his for a 7th day in a row incase he starts getting sick of me and wants his own space....

I don't really know what to do right now, I don't know how to keep going with revision and I don't know how to keep away with my destructive coping mechanisms....

Any advice or similar stories please welcome.


08-01-13, 19:33
I think you are putting too much pressure on yourself. You don't have to get a 1st in your degree course - it might be nice, but you don't have to have it. I got a 2:1 and I still managed to get a job which I enjoy. If I recall correctly, only the top 10-15% of graduates get a 1st class degree. Most graduate employers are happy to accept people with a 2:1 or above. Of course, it's not just grades that employers take into consideration, a lot of it is down to a person's enthusiasm and aptitude to perform well in a job.

I'd suggest drawing up a study timetable to plan out how much time you will spend revising each module/subject each week. Then try your best to stick to the timetable. I found that technique really helpful when I was revising for exams. Good luck in your exams! :)

08-01-13, 20:10
well I am doing the law conversion course in sept and only have to get a 2.2 to get in, need a 2.1 to do well really but I think a 2.1 is achievable, feeling a downer on that today but generally I feel ok with that.

I have a revision plan and I am following it, spending 9.30am to 9.30pm in the library (partly to avoid addition stresses at home). I just have the irrational PANIC and run away feeling that fills my brain all day so I cant take anything else in.

I found therapy too stressful and panicked and haven't been back for probably over a month now... I want to just be normal and not have periods of panic pop up for at least 2 hours a day which is wasted revision time...

08-01-13, 20:22
I think I really need some support, its the first round of my final year exams and I can barely function with day-to-day life. I'm worried I will fail, I'm worried everyone will laugh at me and i won't know anything. I had it in my mind that i COULD get a 1st if i tried really really hard but I've worked out with my results that isn't possible unless i get 80% in everything (not going to happen) so I feel that my motivation to work hard is ruined and I feel helpless and hopeless.

I usually let my panic take over and a run far away, i drink and smoke and eat rubbish, or not eat at all. every fibre in my body is telling me to run and drink and buy cigarettes and order a really nasty take away and go to the pub. But I'm still in the library... for now...

I also don't feel comfortable at home, my housemates cause my social anxiety to go off the scale and try move my things and make a mess, so I've basically been living with my boyfriend but I don't want to stay at his for a 7th day in a row incase he starts getting sick of me and wants his own space....

I don't really know what to do right now, I don't know how to keep going with revision and I don't know how to keep away with my destructive coping mechanisms....

Any advice or similar stories please welcome.


Without sounding condescending or cheesy, i think you've done really well to get this far through uni with anxiety!:yesyes:

08-01-13, 20:32
that made me smile steve thank you! was on anti depressants for half of it, but came off them in the summer, so first exams without them this month!