View Full Version : Ultrasound found something

08-01-13, 19:47
Hiya, just wondering if anyone else has had anything similar? I have been in pain in my lower abdomen for months, maybe even a year. It's been low down on the right for a long time where my ovary is and also through to my back. Sometimes a dull pain sometimes like a knife gone through my back other times like period type pain when I'm not due on. Also been getting an ache or sharpness all across lower abdomen. Tried all IBS meds from Dr with no luck, changed diet, tried vitamins etc but nothing worked. I was fed up of worrying so told Dr my fear of a cyst or ovarian cancer. She had a feel and couldn't feel anything so she sent me for an ultrasound. I had it on the friday and lady doing it said both ovaries looked normal so I was relieved. Then Monday morning I get a call from the receptionist at my Drs to say my ultrasound had come back and my Dr wanted to see me. She had no appointments for 3 weeks so I asked to see a different Dr and am going tomorrow.

I am really worried as to what they've found as was told ovaries ok. I am still getting pain and period this month been heavier and quite painful first day even though been on pill and had been under control for years. Also getting leg pain and numbness when back pain hits.

Has anyone had a callback like this and it turned out not to be anything serious? Just so scared of what I'll hear tomorrow :weep:

08-01-13, 20:43
I really wouldn't panic hun :)

Your doctor probably doesn't realize that you were told everything looked fine at the scan.

So they probably want to see you so that they can tell you all is well I would think :)

Please let us know how you get on hun :):hugs:

08-01-13, 20:56
I wouldn't worry- I had an abdominal ultrasound and was told everything was fine but then they have to send a report to your doctor of everything they looked at and confirming everything was ok and then the doc has to tell you! This happened to me...

08-01-13, 20:57
Oh thank you. It would be really great if that's all it was. Will let you know tomorrow after my appointment, gonna be a bit shaky till then.

08-01-13, 21:03
You will be shaky, I know how it feels and I'd be the same so I won't tell you not to! But they really wouldn't have told you it was ok if it wasn't and as I mentioned above, I had an appointment with my doc to discuss the ultrasound report (I didn't believe they hadn't found anything so I made her give me a copy!) good luck tomorrow, let us know how it goes x

08-01-13, 22:06
I went for a ultra sound and received a letter through the post stating a doctor would like to see me.

I panicked and made an appointment ASAP and when I spoke to doctor, he was annoyed with the receptionist how she thrased the letter and as it was just a letter to see him to close the matter.

08-01-13, 22:23

I agree that they would not tell you everything was okay if it wasn't so please don't worry too much, the GP won't know that you have been told the ultrasound is clear. You say your periods have been heavy so if it is anything at all it may be that your womb lining may have appeared thicker than expected and that can be the sign of a benign polyp or similar (which both my mum and I have had and is dealt with really easily) or it could just be that your periods are heavy at the moment!

I wish you luck for tomorrow.


08-01-13, 23:26
Not sure how things work in the UK, but in Australia, we are told if it is a 'non-urgent' appointment or an 'urgent' appointment.
If yours was something sinister then they would have squeezed you in for a fairly urgent appointment. The fact that they haven't said 'come in quickly' suggests your GP just wants to see you for a follow up visit and to discuss the ultrasound that came back fine.

09-01-13, 00:36
Are you sure the doctor found something? Anything I have had a scan even if it's clear the doctor meets with you to talk about the results.
I'm sure they would want to see you right away if they found anything that may be bad.

Sorry you've to wait so long? Could you phone them and explain about your anxiety? Maybe the doctor might be nice enough to call you back.

09-01-13, 09:01
It could most likely be something like endometriosis or cysts maybe. I had that it didn't show up on ultrasound but it did in a laparoscopy. If you have bad periods it may as well be that if its anything at all. Apparently my ovaries were perfectly healthy too and they still are even after removing the endo and cysts and before hand had terrible periods.

I wouldn't worry hun as if they did find something it would most likely be that and it can easily be removed with a procedure of a laparoscopy which is only a day visit at the hospital.

You will be fine and let us know