View Full Version : Music And Your Anxiety

08-01-13, 20:20
How does music help your anxiety? With me, it helps me to relax and calms me down:):yesyes:

08-01-13, 20:37
Hi Steve,

Oh I love music, it really is such a good therapy if you suffer with anxiety.

I listen to music much more that I watch TV......too much distressing stuff on TV nowadays, so I much prefer my music.

I like all sorts of music too, but at the moment I'm enjoying listening to the 70's stuff as it reminds me of my teenage years :)

08-01-13, 20:43
Yes I definitely find that music helps. I make playlists of my favourite songs and this helps to cheer me up. :)

08-01-13, 23:19
Hi Steve I find if I put music that I absolutely love on, it does distract me from panic thoughts!

With auntie moosie on the 70's music - amazing musical times.
Although I wasn't born till 80's! Loving Patrice rushen, the police, sister sledge, queen! The ojs- backstabbers & used to be my girl. Are you man enough. Then there's abba, beegees & mj stuff.

Sorry 4 going on but, Loving it - my favorite x

08-01-13, 23:24
some music is bad for my anx/dep,, meatloaf is the main offender.... makes me sad. thats just me , music=memories

09-01-13, 02:14
Music really helps me, like the uplifting stuff mostly, pop, disco, funk and more a singles than an albums kind of girl!

But yes Wazza I know what you mean sometimes if I unexpectedly hear a childhood song, its as if I am in trance for a mo with all the old memories, usually bad that pop up.

Then again sometimes its good memories from when I used to go out loads around 10 years ago! Hey ho its a see saw.

09-01-13, 03:05
Col oh I love all those groups and singers you mentioned :)

The 70's was a great time for music, I find it uplifting and cheerful, you kind of can't help bopping along to it can you :D

I also love the 80's too as that was when my children were both born, so that era always brings me many happy memories too :D

I do understand what the others are saying about some of it being a trigger too, it all depends on what mood I'm in as to what I'll listen too :)

09-01-13, 09:47
Yes I know what you mean about bad memories being sparked by music ,also.

Luckily the songs that do this for me tend to be songs that I don't like anyway.

Whoes that chick - by Rhianna, yep I know awful awful but, when I started having panic attacks 2 years ago in Feb that song was everywhere! My then 8 year old & 20 month old son, used to bop along to it, whilst I sat going mad with panic, so it makes me think of how bad I was.

09-01-13, 13:30
Wow, I seem to be in the minority.

Music really irritates me, even it's it's music I choose myself (i.e. not radio).

I find it's all just noise and therefore winds me up.

When anxious I seek out peace and quiet.

Don't get me wrong, I used to love music, I just have to be relaxed before being able to enjoy it, so I listen to about 2 hours of music a month at the moment (no exaggeration).

paula lynne
09-01-13, 13:46
Hi Steve, great thread!
I firmly believe in the power of music.....even songs I hear on the radio from 1980 can take me back to my first disco, but I cant remember what I had for dinner yesterday haha!
Im an ex-neuro nurse, and I know how powerful your brain is, like a super computer, and its capacity for learning and remembering is better than the latest ipod will ever be.

Ive got a good tip for those like me who suffer anxiety, panic, or just just those nasty sensations every now and then.

Choose 10 of your favourite but calming songs and download, or like me, get the son to do it.
Listen to them when you are CALM and dont have any sensations and you feel good. While listening, repeat in your head " I am loved, I am safe....."

The next time you feel anx and panic creep up, put the music on.
Your brain has already made a very strong connection to the music and feelings of calm. Again, say to yourself "I am loved, I am safe..."

It can really help you get on top of those sensations x

This works with smell too :)

LOve to all, Paula x

09-01-13, 15:17
Sometimes its the only time you can relate to something or escape to.

09-01-13, 19:43
Hey, I find classical music helps (or anything without words!) :) I'm a music student so when I was in hospital managed to convince them to let me take my french horn in to practice. Made me feel a lot more relaxed :) Will be really interesting to see all the replies, I'm hoping to become a music therapist :)

09-01-13, 22:09
I blast 90's dance music via headphones into my head, I was a carefree teenager back then and it always makes me feel good, it may eventually make me deaf, but as long as I feel good at the time who cares :shades:

10-01-13, 20:04
I find some music helps and other music makes it worse. When I'm feeling particularly stressed and anxious/depressed, the only song that can get me out of bed and out of the house is Sonic Youth - Teenage Riot. I don't know why exactly - the lyrics don't mean much, but something about the rhythm of the guitar riff is about the same rhythm as I walk at and the whole song helps me to cope with the day better. Just thought I'd share that :)

10-01-13, 20:09
I find the music from Sigur Ros very relaxing, one of my favorites is; Svefn-g-engar

10-01-13, 21:08
I also like listening to the radio online, Dave Pearce for dance stuff and Colin Youngs trunk of funk for funk and soul. I just groove along. Used to listen to Chris Moyles but he is the opposite of calming!