View Full Version : Dental referral, scared to death :(

08-01-13, 21:20
So I have been getting mouth ulcers for 4 months now and discomfort and soreness from the gums.. I saw a two doctors who were not concerned and said everything looks fine. But today I went to the Dentist and she had a look and didn't know what was wrong and said I need a referral. Now I am scared to death it may be Oral cancer or Oral Herpes.. :(. I have suffered fr mouth ulcer for years but never sore gums. I'm really anxious and scared and I have also just started a new Medication.

08-01-13, 21:54
Don't always assume the worst, a very common cause of mouth sores is being low on b12!
I would ask your doctor about it or take some supplements.

It's awesome she is referring you, I mean you have mouth ulcers for 4 whole months, now you get to try and find out why they won't heal or keep coming back, then you treat them and get rid of them :)

08-01-13, 22:21
Don't always assume the worst, a very common cause of mouth sores is being low on b12!
I would ask your doctor about it or take some supplements.

It's awesome she is referring you, I mean you have mouth ulcers for 4 whole months, now you get to try and find out why they won't heal or keep coming back, then you treat them and get rid of them :)

Aw thank you for your kind words. I always do the google search thing and it makes me panic every time. Trouble is I have to wait at least a month :(

09-01-13, 00:46
aw I'm sure if it was urgent your gp would have said so and written it into the referral letter.

Dentists are trained to spot to cancer and I'm sure the dentist would have been able to tell if you had oral herpes or not just by looking at them.

I read a blog about a nurse, she had mouth sores for months, she had her doctor friends look and that n they couldn't seem to figure out what was wrong other than simple ulcers.
Like I mentioned before it turned out her b12 was low, not saying that's what you have but something the answer is a pretty simple one : )

09-01-13, 01:10
Hiya Kobey

If it's any comfort, I had a white mark on my gums, and the dentist insisted I went to the hospital to see a specialist for further tests, and the dentist said I would probably need a biopsy. Turns out, I brush my teeth too hard !!!. The specialist mentioned, in his experience, dentists can be far too cautious .

But like Anxious Gal has said, if the dentist was in any doubt, you wouldn't be waiting a month, you would be fast-tracked.

09-01-13, 02:11
Just a quick question! What medication are you on/ have you been on? Because I have recently developed very sensitive gums and teeth from an SSRI! It's a common side effect :) Mine is citalopram x

09-01-13, 09:34
I was on Metrazapine or whatever it's called, now on Lyrica. My main concern was that I have had a couple of ulcers on the upper rear part of my mouth sort of behind the gums.. I have actually got one now. Don't know weather to visit my doc just to see what he says.