View Full Version : feeling very down and scared :(

09-01-13, 01:10
Hey everyone, I hope I'm not bothering anyone but I'm feeling incredibly down and really angry and scared. I live on my own in a one bedroom flat and my neighbour directly next to me is awful always screaming and outside shouting and it scares me. Especially recently since I was put on 20mg of prozac, anyway tonight I was just sitting peacefully in bed watching TV and playing a game on my tablet when she started screaming at someone to shut up, she was going absolutely crazy and I don't know if it was directed at me or not. Its really got me spooked. I've turned my TV off and I've got a cold and I'm trying not to cough ( which is really difficuilt) and ,my kitten is running about and I'm scared in case that sets her off again. :(. OK honestly feel like I'm going to have a panic attack. The worst of it was, I text my friend and told him how I was feeling and he just yelled at me and to stop being stupid. I'm crying and don't know what to do. Am I just being stupid? I don't feel like I am but. I'm really scared. Please help xxx

09-01-13, 01:41
Aww hun what an incredibly uncomfortable way you're having to live.

No wonder you're feeling so scared. I cannot bare people shouting or getting aggressive, it always upsets me a lot so I really understand what this is doing to you.

But hun, you can't live like you're living, being frightened to move around in your own home, that's just unacceptable.

Do you own your flat or is it a rented property hun?

If it is a rented property, then I would advice that you contact your landlord and let them know what's happening and how it's effecting you. Most Councils have strict guidelines in place now for this sort of problem, it's not fair that anyone should be living in fear because of a neighbours behaviour. So go and get some advice hun and if need be, go to your doctor and let them know how your living conditions are effecting you, they may be able to help get you moved or something.

Right now hun, I'd go and get into bed and try and relax and get some good sleep. I hope this has helped hun :) :hugs:

09-01-13, 01:42
Hi, Unless you have your tv up loud, it is unlikely to be you she is yelling at to shut up? If she is yelling a lot loudly at this time of the morning I think you should consider reporting her to the Police for a breach of the peace.

09-01-13, 14:42
Thank you for your replies, Auntiemoosie, I live in a rented council flat, iv told my housing officer but she said there isn't much she can do because my neighbour is in a private let :/. She gave me a diary and told me too keep track of what happens and gave me a number to call for noise. But I'm too nervous about calling out the police or noise people in case she realises its me and she attacks me. :( xxx