View Full Version : Fed up of anxiety!

09-01-13, 01:46
Hi there,

I'm new to this site so just posting a 'hello'.

I am a 26 year old male from London. I have always been 'a worrier', for as long as I can remember, but recently I am starting to realise where the healthy line should be between a normal level of worrying, and anxiety. Unfortunately I think that a lot of the time I am too much on the anxiety side!

For many years, the main thing I worry about is my health & my body. Which I know is stupid really, because I am young and in good health. I eat a balanced diet and exercise a lot. But I have just always worried! Any pain, or symptom, gets blown out of proportion in my mind very quickly.

Recently I have begun to lose sleep, which I have decided is a step too far. I have always been a very good sleeper, so to suddenly lose this most basic of abilities is quite frightening, and frustrating!

I have tried counselling/therapy before, once quite successfully (years ago), and in fact before christmas had 6 sessions with a new therapist, to begin to try to understand my anxiety properly. However I don't think she was the right therapist for me, so I need to look again. I have also been to talk to my GP about it, and thinking about trying therapy on the NHS. I am also reading 'How to Master Your Anxiety' by Joe Griffin & Ivan Tyrell (seems good so far).

I don't take any medications at the moment, at all. Things aren't that bad...yet!

Anyway, to end on a positive note, I do know that a certain level of worry has been very good for me. Because I was always aware of what was expected of me, and 'worried' about making sure I did the right thing, I did exceptionally well at school, college, and university, and now have a well paid job that I really enjoy. So, a bit of worrying can be a good thing! I just really want to break this cycle of anxiety that causes me stress, tension, and loss of sleep.

Thanks for reading!

09-01-13, 02:01
Hi popdisaster

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-01-13, 02:27
Welcome, I have just joined and think this is a great site, loads of info and forum threads to look at. I hope you get some sleep soon, and/or find out why this has been happening to you recently. All the best.

09-01-13, 10:34
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


09-01-13, 14:03
Welcome to the site.

Incidentally I've just read the same book. I think I need to read it again though for it all to sink in.

Glad you're able to cope without medication. For most of us here, it has become "that bad".


10-01-13, 19:43
Welcome to the forums. I'm sure you'll find plenty of help here. :)

From your last paragraph, it sounds like you have some positive beliefs about worrying, and that could be keeping your cycle of anxiety going. A really good online CBT course explains this, particularly Module 5 (Positive beliefs about worrying) at the following link: http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=46

10-01-13, 23:48
Hi there, thank you for all your welcomes. That article certainly looks interesting and I will read it in depth, thanks for posting :)

Yes I suppose I do believe that part of the reason I did so well at school etc, was due to worrying. Maybe it is time to challenge that belief... I hadn't really thought about it like that before.

My goal is to not worry anymore. I'm sure we all share that goal! So maybe to stop worrying I do need to think about it in this way...

Thanks again

11-01-13, 00:07
Hello matey. I'm 25 year old male I've been going through all this for some time now. It's unsettling how many people suffer with this at our age, I'm not for one minute saying it should be for older people but!!.at our age we should have other things on our mind eh lol. Anyway what it is as a wise man told me (fantastic doctor) this anxiety in younger people has a 7 year cycle. Something to do with or a miss fireing serotonin level.as you will be well awear of. Most doctors push medications but only a hand full really want to help and care. Most things nowadays (medications) for anxiety problems are just to numb the problem not solve. To me they are psychological. Spelling errors *

11-01-13, 15:21
Welcome,i joined in september, but only more recently been using it.