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09-01-13, 09:30
Hi can anyone recommend any really good books on dealing with anxiety and panic attacks?

09-01-13, 10:03
depressive illness, the curse of the strong. dr tim cantopher xx

10-01-13, 01:12
try lorraine mason panic attacts five steps to freedom,she tells you what is happening when you have a panic attact,plus all the symptoms you might get,steps to over come them it is brilliant,i have clair weeks but found this one great,hope you like it,you can get it on amazon.good luck:)

10-01-13, 09:05
depressive illness, the curse of the strong. dr tim cantopher xx

I would recommend this one too. Another one is 'Feel the Fear and do it anyway'.

10-01-13, 12:12
Thanks everyone, are these books good for anxiety too, I really need something to help with the constant thinking n terrible thoughts n thinking Iv every mental illness possible!!!!?????

10-01-13, 12:13
Yes they are. Anxiety is my main problem.