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View Full Version : here's to another day

09-01-13, 10:20
went to bed at 10.20pm and got up at 7.34am.I did have 2 1hr sessions but the rest of the night I was snatching 5-15 mins sessions. I woke up 17 Times during the rest of night.hubby is going out about 10 25 today although I have still got my son if I get really desperate.I am still very concerned about me eating.yesterday I only had 2eggs, 4'mushrooms and a slice of toast with clover.for breakfast.I also had a 4 oz jacket potato without the skin in case I choked and 4ozs of baked beans.and strawberries.was going to have a pork loin slice,tomato,and 4 mushrooms for tea but I was to anxious all day to eat.ok.just going to try and have 1/2 portion of porridge with banana.hope to have a good day.all the best to one and all for a good day as well.x
had cold/runny nose for 2 days so that's another problem I got to deal with.

09-01-13, 11:30
Anxiety always makes me lose my appetite, just try to eat little and often and try not to focus and how little you have eaten. I would say "I have done quite well today I have eaten...." It doesn't matter if it wasn't much, make it into a positive and praise yourself for eating something. If you have a cold that will make you feel more down but you will get better. Try to be positive :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

09-01-13, 11:57
Anxiety always makes me lose my appetite, just try to eat little and often and try not to focus and how little you have eaten. I would say "I have done quite well today I have eaten...." It doesn't matter if it wasn't much, make it into a positive and praise yourself for eating something. If you have a cold that will make you feel more down but you will get better. Try to be positive :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Annie thanks for your reply.I do appreciate the concern and helpful advice.I did manage my 1/2 portion of porridge and banana.I know that I might feel a lot better when my cold / runny nose has gone.just got to wait another few days.have a good day and once more a big thank you.

09-01-13, 12:44
I hope you feel better soon Jean xx