View Full Version : PhD related stress and anxiety

09-01-13, 12:02
Hello Everyone,

I've spoken to a few people in the chatroom who know my situation - I started a PhD last October and since then my depression and anxiety have increased 10 fold. I finally saw a doctor yesterday who prescribed me Sertraline. Today I have sent an email to my PhD supervisor saying that I think I would benefit from suspending my studies - I feel sick with panic now. What if she thinks I'm stupid needing to suspend my studies after so little time? What if she tells someone else that she doesn't think I'm capable and I get thrown off the course? I need some time to be able to function properly - I am currently sleeping until late then staying in bed panicking - I am so scared :(

Sorry this has been such a rambling post, I just have nowhere else to turn right now


09-01-13, 13:45
Hi Sophie,

Gosh can relate to this, big time. I was offered a PhD & declined at the time a couple of years later & working I got caught pregnant with second baby. Then I thought right 2 kids going to buy a house in next year I need a good job , want to go back and do PhD BUT house kids and time it takes , oh I'll do a PGCE. I love learning and would love to pass on my knowledge and Ive got my wn kids sooo , I'll give it a go!

Forward 1 year on to febuary 2011 ~ breakdown midway through the academic year.
Oh my gosh, I don't like quitting anything half complete but I had no choice, I realised after a couple of weeks despite never having panic attacks before that, this was going to take a while , this wasn't a cough or virus, this was seriously different!!!!!all that work up to that point - waisted!!!! I'm still gutted about this 2 years on almost!! I knew at the time to STOP , damage limitation because if I'd not have stopped then, I honestly think I would have been hospitalised for months.

Things do happen like this, your not the only one whose experienced this & I'm sure your supervisor will have come accross this or heard of such problems before.
You are right to suspend if you are seriously bad & just sit back and wait for the response, I'm sure you'll sort it.
Ps what the PhD in

09-01-13, 14:33
I'm midway through my master's degree and it is such a struggle ... mine is actually in marriage and family counseling, and they have you do a lot of self exploration for your own benefit so it brings up a lot of difficult things ... i am sticking with it and getting therapy, meds, etc but i feel for you. the stress, the deadlines, and work on top of it all ...