View Full Version : It's getting bad again :(

09-01-13, 12:59
I was really pleased with myself because I hadn't had a panic attack in 1 and a half months before the other day. I felt really good and I hadn't googled either! But then I have my first dreaded A-level exam round the corner and I know every time I have exams my anxiety goes through the roof. The other day my 'swallowing' obsession kind of came back, but I managed to tell it to go away :) but then my panic with breathing and stuff came and now:
-i am constantly yawning/deep breathing
-breathing is always on my mind
-my hands and feet are always cold
-i am sweating loads
- my diaphragm always feels tight
-i have constant knots in my stomach
-i have double vision

I don't know how to get rid of it!!! The other day I was home alone and such a wreck I ended up calling Anxiety UK, and got no revision done at all. Today I got up at 6 and started revision at 8, and have done quite a lot but my breathing is still messed up

Also I've had a really tight back which feels like I'm getting asthma or something, silly me decided to google loads and that made me really scared

Does anyone have any advice? Thanks :hugs: