View Full Version : Pins & needles/stroke?

09-01-13, 14:50
Please can someone help me, I've been panicking all morning and have worked myself up into a real state. Last night I woke in the middle of the night with pins & needles in my right hand. I was lying on my left side so it couldn't have been a trapped nerve or anything like that. I'm in such a state because a woman I used to work with kept getting a tingling hand which was originally thought by the doctor to be carpel tunnel syndrome, but it turned out she'd had a mini stroke. I'm panicking that this is a warning signal to an impending stroke. I know that most people would have just gone back to sleep and forgotten about it, but as I know you'll all understand, when you have Health Anxiety the thoughts start racing and now I can't think of anything else, or any rational reason as to what may have caused it. Now all my focus is on my right hand for any sign of weakness etc....I've been in tears all morning and as I'm on my own during the day I keep thinking if I do have a stroke no-one will know or be able to help me.

Anxious lu
09-01-13, 14:58
Don't worry all sorts of things can cause this. We all experience this with anxiety and other influences.

I got completely covered in pins and needles due to migraine once and the other day both my hands got severe pins and needles for like 5 minutes for no reason. People said it may have been dehydration or alcohol I had the night before made worse by anxiety.

X x if you are so worried call the nhs or your doctor and make a telephone appointment

09-01-13, 18:28
Thank you for your reply. I am always being told off by various relatives for not drinking enough and actually yesterday I went the whole day without having a drink, I just forget to. I'm scared of going to sleep tonight incase it happens again, or if I have a stroke in my sleep (if that's even possible!). Everything's such a vicious circle isn't it...I suffer from anxiety anyway and sometimes feel my heart is jumping about which I know is a common symptom of anxiety, but if I do have an irregular heartbeat then that can trigger a stroke...here I go again..

Mr Brownstone
09-01-13, 20:02
Waking up with pins and needles happens to me fairly often. Its usually because Ive been lying on my hand/arm/whatever. Perfectly normal. I suffer from HA and dont fret about it.

10-01-13, 00:14
Thank you for your reply. I am always being told off by various relatives for not drinking enough and actually yesterday I went the whole day without having a drink, I just forget to. I'm scared of going to sleep tonight incase it happens again, or if I have a stroke in my sleep (if that's even possible!). Everything's such a vicious circle isn't it...I suffer from anxiety anyway and sometimes feel my heart is jumping about which I know is a common symptom of anxiety, but if I do have an irregular heartbeat then that can trigger a stroke...here I go again..

I used to be terrified of strokes but you're jumping ahead. People who have strokes need to have extremely high kidney function mixed with High Blood Pressure or High Cholesterol. If you don't have any of those factors the risk of stroke is like 1 in 150,000,000!

Many other things happen that causes pins and needles. I've woken up nights where my arm is completely numb. I'm dehydrated alot and to be honest it's all down to the way you sleep and how hydrated you are. You're fine.

10-01-13, 02:22
I wake with pins & needles or my arm feeling numb every so often if I've slept on my arm restrcicting circulation, its not really a problem.
Similarly, I recently awoke with cramp in the muscle of my lower leg , it was extremely painfull! , again I think its circulation issue.

10-01-13, 08:41
I had all over pins and needles last night, THE WORST EVER.

I had to get out my bed and walk around, feels like I'm still tingling today and its freaking me out. I'm convinced its something other than anxiety thats causing it, doctor really didn't want to know yesterday and gave me proranolol to take which I'm unsure about starting....

10-01-13, 13:22
Thank you everyone for your replies. The main reason I was concerned was because I hadn't been leaning on that arm when I was asleep, if I had been I would have put it down to a trapped nerve etc. Typical, I wake up this morning and hear that Andrew Marr has had a stroke, and apparently he's very fit and healthy.

Mr Brownstone
10-01-13, 13:25
Thank you everyone for your replies. The main reason I was concerned was because I hadn't been leaning on that arm when I was asleep

How do you know...you were asleep. Just because you didnt wake up lying on that arm, doesnt mean you werent lying on it 20 seconds earlier.

Pins and needles can also happen if you've just not moved in ages, so you may not have been lying on it, just lying like that for a while.

10-01-13, 14:59
That's very true Mr Brownstone, thank you for helping me look at things logically. I've now come across an article in today''s paper entitled "Why do healthy people have strokes"....I'm not sure whether or not it would be a good idea to read it.

Mr Brownstone
10-01-13, 15:05
That's very true Mr Brownstone, thank you for helping me look at things logically. I've now come across an article in today''s paper entitled "Why do healthy people have strokes"....I'm not sure whether or not it would be a good idea to read it.

I wouldnt :p

10-01-13, 21:23
I was getting pins and needles in one haand and arm because my neck was really tense and knotted. A few deep tissue massages sorted it out. I realised that I was constantly tense and hunched over. Soemtimes I get pins and needles if am retaining water!