View Full Version : Hello - Not sure what I have

09-01-13, 16:25
I'm not sure what my problem(s) is/are
I think I have anxiety, but I don't think it's a chemical imbalance like a lot of doctors will tell me. I was neglected heavily by my parents, neither of them took parental responsibility for me, and so I never received any medical attention when needed, or dental assistance, guidance, nurturing of any kind. My mom and dad would fight every day, and he would physically and emotionally abuse all of us every day, as well as torture our pets, even killing some in the process.

So, I wonder if this is more of a PTSD/Anxiety/Depression mixture with the added lack of education and guidance on top.

My parents did send me to public school, but I was the subject of heavy bullying when there, because of many things. I was very quiet, my mom would give me horrible hair cuts, I was chubby at the time, and the clothes I wore were hand-me-downs that no kid in their parents right mind would be wearing at school.

I always tried to please others, trying to be friendly and helping them even to the point of neglecting myself, because this is how I was taught to behave. If someone beats you up, turn the other cheek and thank them for it.

I am now 30 years old, my mom, now separated from my dad, still gives me what she has always given me, shelter/a place to live, but nothing else. Still no guidance, still no support. I have not been given the opportunities in life that I would require to function properly, no license, no self esteem, no confidence or courage, self image problems, feeling unable to help myself because of my high level of anxiety which keeps me from leaving the house, and no where to turn for help. My parents say "You are over 18, you can fend for your self" but, when I was 16 they would say "You are almost 18, you can fend for your self" and when I was younger than that, I was mostly ignored. They expect me to take responsibilities for myself that they skipped out on.

I personally think I am a hopeless/helpless case, but either way hello! and nice to meet you

09-01-13, 16:35
Hi registereduser

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-01-13, 17:48
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


09-01-13, 18:34
Hello and welcome to the site. You'll find lots of people here who can empathise.