View Full Version : Bulky Cervix

09-01-13, 16:30
Just got back from my Dr's appointment about an ultrasound I had 12 days ago. Dr said I had a bulky cervix but ovaries, fallopian tubes, womb etc all clear and normal. She's only a trainee GP and my usual Dr not in so she couldn't tell me why but she asked questions that relate to cervical cancer. I am petrified and worried I am going to die.

I always said if I got cancer I couldn't have treatment for it because of my severe emetophobia and now I feel it's coming true :weep:

09-01-13, 17:10
They would tell you if they suspected cancer and get you treatment asap

We have all these posts about bulky uterus:


09-01-13, 18:14
Thank you for your reply.

My uterus is normal and not enlarged just my cervix so am pretty scared at the moment, no Dr's appointment until 31st Jan with my regular Dr, going to be a nervous wreck by then

09-01-13, 18:38
Sorry I misread it !

09-01-13, 18:45
No problem, thank you x

09-01-13, 19:16
Hi cat I'm sure if they suspects cancer they would have told you. Surely someone else has reviewed the results other than a trainee?

Try not to worry until you get proper feedback.

10-01-13, 15:30
Apparently my Dr has reviewed it but not left any notes into what she wants to do next. I can't get in to see her till the 31st Jan so am worried :(

30-01-13, 18:20
Well it's my Dr's appointment tomorrow morning and I am petrified. Not sure if I can do it or sit in that waiting room as my Dr always running late :(

30-01-13, 18:46
If it was something serious I am pretty sure they wouldn't leave you this long. If they suspected cancer they would have got you in much sooner.

Good luck for tomorrow but I am sure it will all go fine xx

30-01-13, 18:51
Thank you, I hope so. Just been a wreck waiting these last 3 weeks.

31-01-13, 02:09
Good luck with your appointment. Let us know how you go.

31-01-13, 08:30
I will do, thank you

31-01-13, 13:47
Well I had my appointment this morning. She did an internal and also looked at my cervix and she said all looked normal apart from maybe thrush. I'm booked in for a smear in 2 weeks just to be on the safe side.

Worried she thinks something abnormal but just not telling me, silly I know.

31-01-13, 17:51
Hi Cat

You sound like me, I always think that Dr's are hiding things from and secretly think I have some terminal illness but are just saying the complete opposite

The truth is they don't hide things from you and it sounds like your Dr is just being cautious. If she thought for one minute it was cancer she wouldn't even bother with a smear and wasting more time she'd just do an urgent referral to the colposcopy clinic.

The reason I know they don't hide things from you is my friends daughter in law is currently waiting on biopsy results for a lump in her neck. She doesn't have HA and went to the doctors thinking it was something trivial. He instantly referred her to hospital where she had a scan and biopsy done the same day and when she asked what it could be without missing a beat the doctor said "it's either cancer or a tumour". Needless to say she is worried sick and we are praying it's benign but this girl was on her own at her appt and they did'n't even ask her if she wanted to call her husband in so they don't hold back they are brutally honest.

The other point is have you had ultrasounds before? it's just it might be something you've always had and they've only picked up because of your ultrasound? We are not all mass produced and I'm sure we've all got bumpy lumpy bits that often get discovered by chance.

Please try not to worry it really does sound like your doctor is just getting a smear for peace of mind for you, she wouldn't be hanging around if she was in the least bit concerned.

take care x

31-01-13, 18:29
hey Cat80, hope you are doing ok and not excessively worrying. I just wanted to say that if the doctors at any point suspected Cancer, then they would have done an instant referral to get you checked out, I myself am having problems at the moment with periods (lasting way longer than normal) and was overdue a smear, have convinced myself I have invasive Cervical Cancer, so went to the doctors, they were sat listening to me, and said to book in for a smear test, I have been and got the smear test done, this worried me at first, but she said it was for my own peace of mind not so much she thinks thats what I may have, I also realised that if they thought it was cancer of any kind then the doctor would have done the smear test there and then rather than sending me away to make an appointment etc. The golden rule with doctors and this is direct from the doctors mouth is that if they suspect Cancer they refer you as an urgent referral and you would be seen within 2 weeks. So please try not to worry, it does sound like it is something of nothing rather than something to really get worked up about.

31-01-13, 19:20
Thank you for your replies.

Yes it was my first ultrasound and my Dr said my cervix can't have been that bulky as the sonographer didn't write any notes. Just my health anxiety making me worry that something more sinister is going on but as people have told me I wouldn't have been left for weeks just to get a drs appointment if they thought it was cancer and I have no bleeding which is a good sign I suppose.

Good luck with your results too TotallyBonkers, I am sure it's nothing to worry about.

01-02-13, 17:45
Hi, if its any consolation cervical cancer tends to form "ulcers" on the cervix rather than lumps. Have you had a smear recently?

01-02-13, 18:04
No I had an internal yesterday and she looked at my cervix. She booked me in for a smear in 2 weeks time after my period is over