View Full Version : Are you emotional?

09-01-13, 16:52
How emotional are you?

I'm v. emotional when it comes to animals, i cried my socks off the first day i had my kitten cus she was so cute lol.

Then i'm emotional when people are emotional.

I'm also very emotional when it comes to well not arguments but talking up for myself. Been on google for ages trying to search of ways to make myself more emotionally stable.

Suppost to be meeting my boyfriend in a bit, bit nervous cus i got mad at him last night and that wound up ended up having palpitations this morning at 3am.

How do you control your emotions

09-01-13, 20:34
Understand yourself. Understand why you get emotional about what you get emotional about.
Why do you get so emotional about "talking up for myself" ?
Does unfairness bother you ? Unfair criticism ? Was there maybe a time when you didn't talk up for yourself ? Did somebody have a go at you and it hurt a lot ?
I think it's just about understanding WHY things bother you. Then you can deal with things in a different way.

10-01-13, 09:46
you sound just like me; when we got our new cat last month (to replace an elderly one that went to kitty heaven the year before) i cried the day we got her because she was just so perfect. it was a mixture of loss of our old friend but happiness for getting our new companion.
I have to be careful what programs i watch; animal ones always make me cry, even the wildlife ones.
yes i'm also emotional when people are emotional.
oh no, add "I'm also very emotional when it comes to well not arguments but talking up for myself" to the list.
i'll have to look it up but i have an assertiveness handout somewhere. i'll try to remember but might need a reminder.
its best not to control emotions... unless appropriate; it depends very much on the situation. they can be a brilliant release sometimes & are best not ignored. they can also get in the way. if i am assertive & stand up to someone, then i get emotional afterwards. but i dont show it to that person, i'll maybe nip off & do the emotions in private.
if something on tv makes me cry, so what? it doesnt matter. its just a reflection of my personality.
my colleage talks so warmly of her 2 year old, it reminds me of the the limited happy times i had with my mother. it almost makes me cry coz i can feel the strength of her love. to show that i feel would be appropriate. its a connection.
if you want to be strong in front of others, that's a case of learning to be assertive. the emotions become less apparent the better practiced you are at assertiveness. being assertive doesnt mean raising your voice. its actually about being controlled in a manner of speaking but it isnt the same as anger.