View Full Version : Doctor has made my anxieties worse! (heart related)

Orange Lightning
09-01-13, 16:56
It's the one thing I absolutely didn't want to hear from any medical professional; there MIGHT be something wrong with my heart after all. Last night I had the worst symptoms I've ever experienced in my chest and left arm, even extending to my neck! It was all bad enough to wake me up at 4 in the morning and keep me up. They included:

- Weakness/Numbness in my left arm, extending to my hand and collarbone.
- Tightness in my chest which - for about half a minute at one point - became a crushing sensation like someone was standing on me.
- Dizziness, especially when sitting up.
- Palpatations
- Shivering
- Pulsing headaches and a pulse in my lower back
- Head rushes/zaps and feeling faint

I could remember from past "Googling" how all of the symptoms are typical of a heart attack, and the fact they wouldn't subside and gradually got worse supported my fears. :( The worst was yet to come. The symptoms faded after about half an hour but most came back with a vengeance. For about 5 seconds at one point, I was unable to move, speak or even breathe. I've never been so worried in my life; I wasn't even trying to fall asleep at that point, and my parents didn't believe me when I was finally able to call them for help.

Luckily I already had a doctor appointment with my GP booked this morning. She checked the notes I made about my symptoms, and listened to my heart, but claimed I was ok. I'm still waiting for an echo to take place, and I was petrified to hear the doctor is trying to mark it as urgent, as she "no longer believes this is only the work of anxiety." I may have a "leaky valve" or other heart problems.

I just want to be normal. I don't want any heart problems at all, I hate living in fear like this. Any excercise at all now raises my heart rate to stupidly fast palpatations and causes tightness. I agree with the doctor - how can this possibly be anxiety anymore? :weep:

09-01-13, 17:07
I had VERY similar symptoms to this for a while, mine was the work of anxiety because as soon as I moved onto a new illness those symptoms seemed to vanish because I wasn't thinking about them, I wish you the best of luck with your results!

09-01-13, 17:09
Hi orange lightening. It could still be! Did your doctor listen to your heart and lungs? My doctor explained to me that they do this to listen for any murmurs or whispering. The whispering indicates a problem with your valves. The test on your lungs is to listen for any fluid backing up into them again a sign of a valve problem.

Im not going to go against what your doctor has said, all I would say is dont work yourself up into a panic about this if you can until you know for sure. My symptoms are very very similar to yours and I have been convinced Ive had a heart attack before now but all my tests show I categorically havent and its just anxiety causing this. Ive asked myself often how the hell can anxiety cause such real and painful symptoms but it can.

Hope all turns out ok for you.

Orange Lightning
09-01-13, 18:30
Thank you for your replies, I certainly hope there's a positive end to this, as I was doing so well until last night. One thing I forgot to mention is that during my initial arm pain,.my left armpit went very cold, especially worrying since my right side was fine..! What could that be? Even Google doesn't know!

09-01-13, 18:45
Not sure. Another member asked this yesterday malibupete I think but his was more chest.

I get indigestion a lot and this can give a cold feeling around my heart and left chest. This also causes really pain tightness and pain in the middle of my chest. My panic the gets triggered which is where the tingling, dizziness etc can come in.