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View Full Version : Feeling Strange

14-06-04, 12:33

Does anyone get a feeling like they are not quite real? It's difficult to describe. You almost feel like you're dreaming. I had my first PA about two months ago and have not felt quite right since. I have good days and bad days. I often find it is this feeling that can set me off feeling panicked and scared. You can be doing something and then all of a sudden it's like you get a thought that says 'this isn't real!' or 'This isn't right' and then it starts. Sometimes I can get my head round it and convince myself nothing has changed and this is normality. Other times I can't.

It is this feeling though that makes me feel very panicky and I can't always seem to shake it. I think if I could stop thinking about this particular feeling and experiencing it, I would be ok.

It is this particular feeling that first made me think I was going mad. I felt very detached from everyone around me.


14-06-04, 12:45
Hi rob ,

This is very common . Derealization or depersonalization.

Goldfish bowl feeling . Can see everyone and reach them but not quite on the same playing field . Horrid isn't it ??

Things like stamping your feet or looking closely at an object and noticing everything about it does help .

It will go as your adrenals get back to normal and exercise and relaxation help too.


'There can only be true courage when first there is genuine fear'

Dr.David Livingstone

14-06-04, 15:36
Hi! I get this too. It is, in fact, one of the most common symptom of a panic attack. I get it very often. I sometimes even don't recognize people in the first couple of seconds... Strange, isn't it?
Take care

14-06-04, 21:39
Hi Rob,

I get it as well sometimes but not too often. It suddenly comes out of nowhere and then disappears just as quickly. Very scary...

Sarah (seh1980)

14-06-04, 22:30

Thanks for you replies.

Just wondering, how would anyone else describe it? What are your experiences of it? I personally find it the worst of all the associated symptoms and, to be honest, I think is what actually triggers me to start panicking.


14-06-04, 23:11
Hi Rob,

I also suffer from this constantly and it also triggers me to panic as well even though I have had it for so long and nothing bad has ever happened to me no matter how awful I feel!!

I always describe it as being on the outside looking in. I can be talking to someone for a few minutes and then their face seems to go weird looking and it makes me panic and I cant carry on with the conversation.

I feel as if the world is going on around me, with me watching but not quite participating.

Hope this makes some sense to you!

Kate x

14-06-04, 23:42
Im not sure if i ever had this feeling im not sure i think i experience something a little different. Like i think stuff like "is this really me" or something to that effect i cant really describe it. I sort of feel like im looking down on me then i'll just snap myself out of it like saying this is stupid or something and the thoughts go away and im fine. Its weird. Is this the same thing?

15-06-04, 13:02
Yes Caitlyn it is a variation of thesame thing and you do very well to allow the thoughts to pass and get yourself feeling better .

Congratulations - you are doing very well to manage that .


'There can only be true courage when first there is genuine fear'

Dr.David Livingstone

15-06-04, 17:38
hello rob,i too get that strange feeling of not being real,like im about to float off somewhere,or try to establish my identity ,like almost going to another dimension.sounds like a science fiction film or something lol[8D].

the thing is it can be weird too i call,it fuzzy moment.when i get anxious ,like pretty bad it can happen then.one time i was out with my mates and i got really anxious,i went all fuzzy.people were talking but i werent really taking in what they were saying.when i i paniced i felt like going out of the place but then i thought "sod it just try and go with it"along with other flurry of thoughts.mixed emotions anger sad ,i eventually calmed down and had a bit of a laugh.once i went through it i quite enjoyed the night ,but it took a while.anyway i pretty used to it by now,its the other symptoms that bother me

take care
