View Full Version : Ear infection

09-01-13, 21:02
I suffer from ear infections on a fairly regular basis, not every year but I'd say 2 out of 3 years I get one. I have always put it down to flying, which I do a fair bit of, and regular swimming. GP has never been concerned and i had a hearing test last year through work which came back fine.

But of course this time I am in full HA mode and it's not a simple ear infection that will clear up in a few days but a brain abscess or even a brain tumour. Yes, it is painful but no more so than when I have had them before. I have even got the slight sore throat and tiredness I get every time.

One part of me knows full well this is just another bog-standard ear infection, yet there's still the voice in my head telling me it's something far more serious.

This is what I am like and I know it's ridiculous. Last week it was a ruptured spleen because my shoulder ached in the night, week before that it was kidney failure. Both the spleen and the kidneys appear to have made a miraculous recovery,I hope the brain tumour can do the same. :wacko:

09-01-13, 22:29
This is following the usual pattern of your ear infections.

Have you been to the doctor for antibiotics? He will look in your ear and be able to see it's inflamed due to infection.

Being poorly affects my mental health, which might explain why you're feeling this way about it. I hope you feel better soon!

10-01-13, 12:25
Thanks Edie.

I had a phone consultation with the doc this morning and as it is following the regular pattern, she issued me a prescription with the caveat that if it isn't better in a few days, I will go back etc. Just put the drops in now and by my experience it takes well over a day before there's any improvement.

It's certainly v. Painful now so am going to take a couple of paracetamol and have a lie down and just wait it out.