View Full Version : Dilema/Advice Anyone

10-01-13, 00:33

I am still suffering with fullness in ears, weird head sensations, dizziness and strange eye feelings, I have Tinnitus but docs say when look into my ears all is fine, suffering with numbness in right arm odd muscle jerks/twitches, aches and pains,spaced out, clumsy at times

Had an appointment at hospital for Hearing therapist and another to see neurologist but had letters today saying due to circumstances beyond their control hearing therapist has been put back till march and neurologist have to wait for another date to be sent

Its my head sensations that are driving me mad and feel like crap every day something is not right all i can think is MS or a brain tumour or acoustic neuroma

No one will give me any answers and unsure where to turn

Any advice ??:weep:

13-01-13, 01:54
Another crap day

Dizziness, weird eye sensations funny taste in mouth, stabbing pains all over chest, generally feeling off , had a spell where when I took a deep breath stabbing pains got worse

Still got some stabbing pains

What the hell is wrong with me ???:unsure:

13-01-13, 02:13
I've been having sinus type symptoms. Still waiting to see an ENT.
What tests have you had so far?

I know that sinuses can also block up the tubes in your ears causing dizziness.
I get pain/pressure on my nose, cheeks, inside my ears.
As well as dizziness, ear ringing, hypersensitivity to noise and headaches.

I get a twitching in my left eye and sometimes my eyes feel numb.

13-01-13, 02:25
I went to ent they did the camera thing up my nose etc, they said had allergy related symptoms and prescribed me some steroid spray that i tried but couldn't really tell if worked or not, she sent me to the hearing therapist who diagnosed tinnitus and gave me some hearing aids that were supposed to help but a don't wear them often as paranoid about them, I explained the fullness but they didn't seem to care and sent me on my way, just had it really bad over the last few weeks and doesn't seem to get better and coupled with this odd eye feeling that i really can't explain is driving me nuts, on top of that my other pains aches and worries its a living nightmare, and all my follow up appointments been postponed just making it worse

Think am just looking for reassurance and am just sick of feeling like total crap every single day

Sorry i am all doom and gloom but thanks for replying :)

13-01-13, 03:24
I have asthma and allergies and i suffer from recurrent ENT problems especially sinusitus and dermatitis in my ears. I am lactose intolerant and most meds have lactose in them. I think there are many uncharacterised side effects to meds and they will vary from person to person. My doctor says you have to weigh up the pros and cons. I read my meds can cause sinusitis but I reckon I would rather have that then be lying in a puddle somewhere. It is very debilitating though and makes me very fed up. I would suggest you look up any meds you are on and check for side affects as well as allergies you may have. Going to the octor with this info will help you feel forearmed lol. Good luck:)

13-01-13, 03:35
Hi DeeEss

Thanks for the reply it helps a lot, I will look into it feel I have to get answer somewhere , if I was intolerant to something with having sinus problems and causing anxiety problems would this have been picked up by doctor, had a few blood tests, ECG, chest xray and ultrasound over last year or so , only thing that came back was a slightly high white blood cell count, sorry if I sound thick , think its reassurance we all need sometimes