View Full Version : New here- anxious over taking new meds-any advice?

10-01-13, 01:18
Was diagnosed with strep throat right after Christmas, it never got better add bronchitis, 3 more visits to the dr's..not much help from them at all, I lost it the other day, they ordered blood work. Got the results today and turns out I still have strep! And It shows a recent infection with Mono! And They put me on a high dose antibiotic. OF course it comes with a 3 page booklet about side effects and they are horrific. I dont normally read them , but this was a special 3 page addition to the RX. I had a panic attack and now I just took one and I feel nervous and am trying to talk myself down. I need ten days of this. Anyone else nervous about side effects from meds? Thanks

10-01-13, 08:13
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


10-01-13, 09:29
Welcome coco.

Ellie bear is quite right, she has given you good advice.

I hope you benefit from being amongst friends on NMP