View Full Version : Going backwards depression

10-01-13, 08:07
Hi all. First off thank you to all posters / this site has been invaluable !! Diagnosed with depression 6 weeks ago
And on sertraline 100mg. My dose shattered at 25, the. 50 a d now 2 weeks at 100. After the guest week at 100 I really was feeling pretty darn good depression wise. Much more positive etc. but last 2 days I seem to be back where I started .... Low low low!!!!! Is this normal in depression? I'm struggling to do anything and even climbing our of bed is hard whereas for a few days last week I felt almost good.

10-01-13, 10:34
Hi relapses are perfectly normal. Unfortunately it takes time for you to fully adjust and the medication isn't magic (oh how I wish!). I'm now into week 7 of fluoxetine and the relapses are getting few an far between so give yourself some time and don't get frustrated when you do have a set back. Accept they will happen.

10-01-13, 13:43
Thanks arnie. I just want to be normal again. I wish YOU all the success with ur fluoxetine.

10-01-13, 21:04
Hi, yes as Arnie says, relapses happen. I've been on Sertraline for 3 years now. I think of them more as blips, dips in mood, but they don't last as long any more and tend not to be as bad as before I started the meds. It took me a few months to settle into the Sertraline but I think it does help my anxiety and regulate my moods most of the time. You don't sound like you're going backwards. These things take time and you're not feeling worse all the time, so definitely progress. It's just hard when you feel down as it feels like it'll never end.