View Full Version : Please help, not sleeping, tingles, numbness, sweats, attacks!

10-01-13, 09:06
I went to the doctor yesterday with a few issues and I feel like i was fobbed off a little, he gave me propranolol and sent me on my way.

It hasn't reasured me about anything, I've gone through bad bouts of anxiety before but now I'm not sleeping.

Last night was the worst, I went to bed a 10pm, by 12:30am I was still awake and feeling out of sorts. I stayed in bed till about 1:30am but I had to get up, both my arms and legs where tingling (not quite pins and needles but similar) I also had it all over my head and face, I was warm and cold feeling at the same time and panicing like mad...

I forced myself back to bed near 4am after a few cups of tea, when I got up at 7:30am this morning I was still having this tingling sensation. I've still got it just now at work, down my cheeks, temple, over my head, hands and bits over my body.

I'm not sure if this should be lasting as long, feel like I'm going off my head! Has anyone else had this before??

Anxious lu
10-01-13, 11:05
I often get this..

Feels like adrenaline in a way. Surfacing but not as bad as usual. The worst one I he is a sudden fast and tickly/itchy tingles through my scalp. It often feels to me like you know when you get a chill or your hairs stand on end..

Sometimes I Just get a subtle but irritating prickle tingle on the skin x

10-01-13, 11:37
Recently, I experience a situation like this, but I am not tingling or sweating, its just that I cannot sleep well and I feel hot or warm within my body. When I fall asleep, I can wake up sometimes like I am in a panic and I cannot go back to sleep easily. I keep myself strong in dealing with this situation, I am hoping this would not last long.