View Full Version : off work, tried to go back, been sent to occupational health.

oh no_1
10-01-13, 13:15
um end of last week thought i needed to get back to work, all new children started, feelings came back the wed so the thurs rang to get docs app.....got back to work note fri morn emailed head and mentor to say i had a back to work note, but then over weekend all i did was cry (and im not a crying person) so sunday decided i wasnt ready so send another email (dont like to mess ppl about but like to be honest and for them to know. but then didnt know if i was just anxious cos been off work a while and was in all week (agreed to it ages ago) with home visits and always go to open day to meet new children and new parents before they were then starting on the thurs.... thought going in on the monday would help get back into things if you know wot i mean with it been a training day and arrnaged to go in and see job share etc.

got in and went to see head, once i finally got out of car. he said try and go to the briefing and then hell see me after that.
well all way through that my chest was tight, couldnt concentrate, in a daze, kept getting really hot thought i was choking so kept taking cardigan off n then on and then off.
um this went on all day and tried to stay and keep busy and make things for new children starting. there wasnt even any pupils in today either :( head said not to come in tues and wed and they sorted cover, and um went to docs last night, she gave week sick note and put on the comments may benefit from visit into work.... rang head and he was really nice even though i was a crying mess.... sending me to occupational health..... and said they can arrange for um not sure if he said 6 sessions of counselling or something.... he going to get me details anyway, he said i must be confused and said i need to concentrate on getting well.
i just keep feeling guilt when im off and that need to get back as so much to do and trying my best.
think im so upset as it hit me and never ever felt this bad/ill wotever ever..... and know all i do want is to be well but feel selfish about thinking that i need to concentrate on myself.

10-01-13, 13:26
Hi, well at least you tried! You are not ready to go back yet but hopefully whatever the doc sorts out for you will help. A book I'm reading at the moment is Beat Stress 'teach Yourself' by Alice Muir. Now I have read many books over the years but this is a good one - I got it from my library. It has helped me this week.

Take care x

10-01-13, 13:46
Oh no 1... You're kinda been brave by accepting that you're not yet ready. You'll get there eventually. I'm just discovering this for myself too.

10-01-13, 14:08
Oh no 1 I work in a school too and it can be quite stressful. I have my second Occupational Health assessment next week. I was also given 6 free counselling sessions from school but the counsellor recommended 12 sessions. I couldn't afford the extra sessions myself so for me the counseling did not help. I am starting intense psychotherapy next week (referred by GP).

13-01-13, 09:23
Are you a teacher? I am so I know how hard it can be being in school and trying to act normal when you feel so bad. Annie did you manage to het psychotherapy on the NHS? That's what I want, they gave me CBT but it over the telephone and I hated it, it felt very impersonal.

13-01-13, 12:00
Are you a teacher? I am so I know how hard it can be being in school and trying to act normal when you feel so bad. Annie did you manage to het psychotherapy on the NHS? That's what I want, they gave me CBT but it over the telephone and I hated it, it felt very impersonal.

Yes I have got Intense Psychotherapy on the NHS. I have had CBT before but the Psychologist thought I needed more than that. I have my first session on Tuesday this week and will need a minimum of 12 sessions. I am an LSA in secondary school and work with the most vulnerable students so it is very difficult at times, especially with all the added paperwork, record keeping, marking, assessments etc. You know what it is like!

oh no_1
13-01-13, 21:02
tessie - your books u read sound good..... was going to try reading to try and get me to sleep but last two nights i slept... finally.... hope it not just two nights and hope it lasts though.

annie - work offered me 6 sessions too but i already see a private counsellor.... would mean stopping with counsellor i have wouldnt it? n um i been seeing her nearly two yrs on and off now.

evedawn - im not brave, i went in to work when ppl said i wasnt ready and it then shocked me still that i couldnt get out of car for 2 hours :(

cattia - um yeh i am , im nqt u???

14-01-13, 20:31
I have been teaching for 12 years, but the NQT year is the worst of all! It sounds like your school are being supportive. Are you in primary?

oh no_1
14-01-13, 22:06
um yes im in primary well earl years.

oh no_1
19-01-13, 03:15
oh gosh what a day! and now i cant sleep......

feel the worst i ever ever felt today :( ever in my life.

19-01-13, 14:52
Sorry you are feeling so low. Did something happen or are you just having a bad day? Remember a bad day is just that - a bad day. It won't last forever, other days will come soon that will be bwtter, that is what you have to hang on to xx

oh no_1
19-01-13, 19:57
um it was so much more than bad day... feel my life just at the lowest and um um oh gosh i dont know woy to day. one mertinghad such an impact on wot will be for rest of my life.

19-01-13, 21:15
Oh no, that doesn't sound good. Was it a work thing? Do you have people around you who can support you and people to talk to? Sending you hugs.

oh no_1
20-01-13, 11:48
um yeh it was a work thing as it was a work meeting.
um um it hard as family dont know much or that i see a counsellor etc.