View Full Version : Switching from Citalopram to Sertraline today - Nervous

10-01-13, 14:48

I'm really glad I came across this forum!

A couple of months ago I was put on 10mg and then up to 20mg Citalopram. Before that I had been getting increasingly more depressed and I was seriously planning suicide. I have also always been a very anxious person and suffer from social anxiety. I couldn't handle being on my own and whenever my boyfriend wasn't around I would drink until I felt numb. I always felt angry and on edge, and nothing seemed to make me feel happy anymore. At first, Citalopram put me on a high and things started to feel a little better. The only side effect was that I would wake up in the night and it'd take me quite a while to get back to sleep, but I've never been great sleeper anyway. However, after the first month I started to feel even more anxious, especially in social situations, and started to have panic attacks. I also found that it'd give me awful PMS.

Last weekend I started to feel really down and suicidal again. So the doctor has told me that he thinks Sertraline would be better for me and would help with my anxiety more. I'm really nervous about trying it and was wondering whether anyone had an feedback on experiences they've had. I'm starting on 50mg tonight.

Thanks a lot, I'll let you know how it goes.

10-01-13, 17:37
I switched from cit to sert with no problems and less side effects.