View Full Version : HA out of control need help and advice please

10-01-13, 14:49

in a nutshell I suffer with health anxiety, panic, slight depression and depersonalization/derealization. I am having a really hard time lately and not sure the best way of dealing with things.

I started sertraline about 4weeks ago and am till not sure how i feel on it, if anything feel more anxious, numb and confused and forgetful - slower but i probably need to give it longer. Im also having CBT which is ok so far.

At the moment my health anxiety is ridiculous im worried about so much mostly cancer, brain tumor and having a stroke or fit. i cant get this out of my head. The past 2 days my head/brain has felt numb and it has freaked me out completely i dont know what to do with myself! it could be something so simple like the fact i am used to having a headache so often that not having one feels alien to me.

im so scared im going crazy or have something medically wrong i need some pointers on how to deal with all of this at the moment because im on the edge and really scared of something bad happening to me :(


10-01-13, 15:57
Hi Vita,
You are not going crazy. I have spoken to you often in chat and you are a bright and witty girl. In fact when a person is struggling, I think that being bright can be a hindrance, being a dumbo can make it easier. I don't have any magic advice, wish I did - but I hope you start to feel better soon.

Baggs xxxxxxxxx