View Full Version : Oral Thrush

10-01-13, 19:08
cant post pics obviously but got white coating on tongue and also white lines in on the side of my cheek
also got little white spots on back of my tongue, also am so tired and also got sore throat

this can only be seen when I use the flash on my camera, if |I take a normal photo it doesnt look so bad

doc looked at it yesterday but she couldnt see what it was like when I used a flash obv and it wasnt on my cheeks then

I got told that it isnt all on the tongue but white patches???

10-01-13, 23:05
did the doctor not give you any anti fungal tablet? Since you are in the UK you should be able to get Diflucan over the counter, or it maybe under the name/brand Canesten.

If it is oral trush it should clear it right up.
Do you smoke or have you been on antibiotics lately?

When I got oral thrush I could not get that white stuff of my tongue, and my taste buds bot bigger and my tongue felt kinda funny.

Maybe it's just due to the camera flash, the flash often shows up areas as a different color or as whiter than what it is under natural light.
If it was thrush you'd have a thick white coating and a sore tongue : )

10-01-13, 23:40
said it was just a coating not thrush but she didnt look properly at back of my tongue just when I stuck my tongue out
was sore earlier but just sore on tip

dont smoke or anti bitotics.

clean my tongue and there is still a white coating but the doc said it was okay but looks like thrush to me

also breath smells and tongue is dry


11-01-13, 00:15
Sounds like an allergy dry tounge sore throat whitish coating. I deal with this all the time

11-01-13, 01:26
if it was thrush would I be able to see it in the sides of my mouth without the flash on my phone?

11-01-13, 10:58
Yes you would a dry tounge is anxiety stress related also allergy or medication. Acid reflux causes whitish tounge and also burns. It's not a problem the thrush thing, the internet makes it worse and thus we panic and search possible hiv, cancer, all sorts of terrible things but I can assure you that you are fine. A mix of bacteria with stress even the foods that we eat. Around 35% of the population will have thrush once or twice for no apparent reason.