View Full Version : Indigestion?

10-01-13, 19:49
Hi not had to post a new thread for a while. I have health anxiety about my heart and have had this for 7 months now. I'm making really good progress with cbt and fluoxetine.

Unfortunately I've had what's been diagnosed as indigestion for about 4 months now. It flares up somedays worse than others and I've had lots of medication for it but nothing has helped so my gp has referred me for an endoscopy to see what's going on.

The pain is really bad right now just below my sternum. I don't get acid taste or anything just bad pain in the middle of my chest. Even though ive made great progress with my heart worries, obviously a constant pain in my chest isn't very helpful and I'm starting to get quite worried.

I really do think its just indigestion but wanted to see if anyone else gets this type of pain with it? I'm trying really hard not to start the panic cycle off.

10-01-13, 19:53
I do and don't laugh at my cure...baby gripe water! I just have a tablespoon of it and it clears it :D

10-01-13, 20:00
Hi Annie I'll give anything a try!

Is yours just pain in the middle of your chest/just below sternum? I hate it when we get some symptoms of hings but don't fit the normal profile like having acid coming up into my mouth etc. I know it's not nice but at least I would know it was reflux.

My doctor has explained how the (thi it's called) vagus nerve runs from your stomach to brain so through your chest and it's when this gets aggravated that causes chest pain but as I say for someone with heart anxiety it's just about the worse 'other problem' I can have.

10-01-13, 20:11
I get it mostly just below my sternum but sometimes it makes my shoulders ache too.

10-01-13, 20:25
Thanks for the reply. I hate this!

10-01-13, 20:27
I had an endoscopy and everything was fine, anxiety has so many awful symptoms.

10-01-13, 20:33
Hi Arnie, long time sufferer of this so can relate. My pain is in the same place just below sternum and is pretty awful sometimes. I feel sick quite a lot as well. I have been taking lanzoprazole for about 3 years and they seem now to have stopped working.
I had endoscopy early December to see what was happening and nothing at all was found!
Diagnoses was acid reflux and the consultant said that you can still have reflux and no trace be seen with the camera as this will pick up damage caused but not necessarily the reflux. She said pain just below the sternum is generally acid reflux.
Hope this puts you mind at ease a bit , I actually have the pain now, is yours food and drink related at all? :flowers:

10-01-13, 20:43
Hi alma, I can't find a specific trigger. Some days I get it first thing whilst lying in bed so think I'm hungry. I've been eating a banana in bed immediately on waking and didn't get it for 4 days.

Then Tuesday night my wife made tea and put too much salt in it. Got indigestion straight away but gaviscon eventually eased it. Had it all day today and quite bad though not had anything to really trigger it. Was at docs anyway this afternoon for fluoxetine review and mentioned it which is when she said it should really have cleared up by now with the length of time I've tried medication for it which is why she wants me to have the endoscopy.

I'm not worried about them finding anything or having the procedure as such, it's just when the pain is this bad I can't help jumping to worries about my heart.

Thanks for the response.

10-01-13, 20:56
Arnie I am SURE it is not related to your heart at all. Worst case scenario, if it was your heart (Which it won't be!!) They can do so much these days. My husband has been rushed into hospital twice with heart attacks and in intensive care. He has had stents put in his arteries and is now back at work full time age 65 and no intention of retiring. He is fitter than me with his heart attacks than I am with my anxiety :D

---------- Post added at 20:56 ---------- Previous post was at 20:53 ----------

I also get lots of tight pain across my chest and I have mentioned it to my doctor who says it is anxiety. I had an ECG and that was clear so I know it is anxiety especially as it gets worse the more anxious I am.

10-01-13, 21:00
Thanks Annie. I've had all the tests on my heart and it's fine. It's so frustrating as I was doing so well. I was stopping my negative thoughts with cbt and really thought I'd started to crack this with 4 good days in a row then wham, big chest pains and the anxiousness starts again.

This being said I haven't gone into a full panic attack which I would have done a couple of months ago so that's good.

Thanks again.

10-01-13, 21:26
That's a positive that you haven't gone into full panic attack...you will get there. Concentrate on the positive 4 days you have had. You have done really well.

11-01-13, 05:53
Thanks. No pain this morning on waking so hope it stays away today!

11-01-13, 09:42
Thanks. No pain this morning on waking so hope it stays away today!
Hope you have a good day. I have booked myself in for a massage tonight so hope it relaxes me enough to help me sleep :)

11-01-13, 13:39
Endoscopy booked for 24th Jan so hopefully have some answers soon!

Enjoy your massage Annie!

11-01-13, 14:27
Endoscopy booked for 24th Jan so hopefully have some answers soon!

Enjoy your massage Annie!

that's great that you have a date for your endoscopy. I am sure I will enjoy my massage. I am a holistic therapist myself so I am always giving friends and family massages, about time I treated myself :D